INFO: checking for vcs source checkout... INFO: no INFO: checking for a shell... INFO: /bin/sh INFO: checking for host system type... INFO: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu INFO: checking for target system type... INFO: sparc64-buildroot-linux-gnu INFO: checking for a shell... INFO: /bin/sh INFO: checking for host system type... INFO: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu INFO: checking for target system type... INFO: sparc64-buildroot-linux-gnu INFO: checking for android platform directory... INFO: no INFO: checking for android sysroot directory... INFO: no INFO: checking for android system directory... INFO: no INFO: checking for the Android toolchain directory... INFO: not found INFO: checking for android platform directory... INFO: no INFO: checking for android system directory... INFO: no INFO: checking for android sysroot directory... INFO: no INFO: checking for the Android toolchain directory... INFO: not found INFO: checking for vcs source checkout... INFO: no INFO: checking whether cross compiling... INFO: yes INFO: checking for the target C compiler... DEBUG: _cc: Trying /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc64-linux-gcc INFO: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc64-linux-gcc INFO: checking whether the target C compiler can be used... DEBUG: Creating `/tmp/conftest.ct4GuO.c` with content: DEBUG: | #if defined(_MSC_VER) DEBUG: | #if defined(__clang__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "clang-cl" DEBUG: | %VERSION _MSC_FULL_VER DEBUG: | #else DEBUG: | %COMPILER "msvc" DEBUG: | %VERSION _MSC_FULL_VER DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #elif defined(__clang__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "clang" DEBUG: | # if !__cplusplus || __has_feature(cxx_alignof) DEBUG: | %VERSION __clang_major__.__clang_minor__.__clang_patchlevel__ DEBUG: | # endif DEBUG: | #elif defined(__GNUC__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "gcc" DEBUG: | %VERSION __GNUC__.__GNUC_MINOR__.__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | DEBUG: | #if __cplusplus DEBUG: | %cplusplus __cplusplus DEBUG: | #elif __STDC_VERSION__ DEBUG: | %STDC_VERSION __STDC_VERSION__ DEBUG: | #elif __STDC__ DEBUG: | %STDC_VERSION 198900L DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if __i386__ || _M_IX86 DEBUG: | %CPU "x86" DEBUG: | #elif __x86_64__ || _M_X64 DEBUG: | %CPU "x86_64" DEBUG: | #elif __arm__ || _M_ARM DEBUG: | %CPU "arm" DEBUG: | #elif __aarch64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "aarch64" DEBUG: | #elif __ia64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ia64" DEBUG: | #elif __s390x__ DEBUG: | %CPU "s390x" DEBUG: | #elif __s390__ DEBUG: | %CPU "s390" DEBUG: | #elif __powerpc64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ppc64" DEBUG: | #elif __powerpc__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ppc" DEBUG: | #elif __riscv && __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 4 DEBUG: | %CPU "riscv32" DEBUG: | #elif __riscv && __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 8 DEBUG: | %CPU "riscv64" DEBUG: | #elif __alpha__ DEBUG: | %CPU "Alpha" DEBUG: | #elif __hppa__ DEBUG: | %CPU "hppa" DEBUG: | #elif __sparc__ && __arch64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sparc64" DEBUG: | #elif __sparc__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sparc" DEBUG: | #elif __mips64 DEBUG: | %CPU "mips64" DEBUG: | #elif __mips__ DEBUG: | %CPU "mips32" DEBUG: | #elif __sh__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sh4" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if __FreeBSD_kernel__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "kFreeBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __DragonFly__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "DragonFly" DEBUG: | #elif __OpenBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "OpenBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __sun__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "SunOS" DEBUG: | #elif __FreeBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "FreeBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __linux__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "Linux" DEBUG: | #elif _WIN32 || __CYGWIN__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "WINNT" DEBUG: | #elif __NetBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "NetBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __APPLE__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "Darwin" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if _MSC_VER || __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "little" DEBUG: | #elif __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "big" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: Executing: `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc64-linux-gcc -E /tmp/conftest.ct4GuO.c` DEBUG: COMPILER = gcc DEBUG: VERSION = 7.4.0 DEBUG: STDC_VERSION = 201112L DEBUG: CPU = sparc64 DEBUG: KERNEL = Linux DEBUG: ENDIANNESS = big DEBUG: Creating `/tmp/conftest.QdY8tt.c` with content: DEBUG: | #if defined(_MSC_VER) DEBUG: | #if defined(__clang__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "clang-cl" DEBUG: | %VERSION _MSC_FULL_VER DEBUG: | #else DEBUG: | %COMPILER "msvc" DEBUG: | %VERSION _MSC_FULL_VER DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #elif defined(__clang__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "clang" DEBUG: | # if !__cplusplus || __has_feature(cxx_alignof) DEBUG: | %VERSION __clang_major__.__clang_minor__.__clang_patchlevel__ DEBUG: | # endif DEBUG: | #elif defined(__GNUC__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "gcc" DEBUG: | %VERSION __GNUC__.__GNUC_MINOR__.__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | DEBUG: | #if __cplusplus DEBUG: | %cplusplus __cplusplus DEBUG: | #elif __STDC_VERSION__ DEBUG: | %STDC_VERSION __STDC_VERSION__ DEBUG: | #elif __STDC__ DEBUG: | %STDC_VERSION 198900L DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if __i386__ || _M_IX86 DEBUG: | %CPU "x86" DEBUG: | #elif __x86_64__ || _M_X64 DEBUG: | %CPU "x86_64" DEBUG: | #elif __arm__ || _M_ARM DEBUG: | %CPU "arm" DEBUG: | #elif __aarch64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "aarch64" DEBUG: | #elif __ia64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ia64" DEBUG: | #elif __s390x__ DEBUG: | %CPU "s390x" DEBUG: | #elif __s390__ DEBUG: | %CPU "s390" DEBUG: | #elif __powerpc64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ppc64" DEBUG: | #elif __powerpc__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ppc" DEBUG: | #elif __riscv && __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 4 DEBUG: | %CPU "riscv32" DEBUG: | #elif __riscv && __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 8 DEBUG: | %CPU "riscv64" DEBUG: | #elif __alpha__ DEBUG: | %CPU "Alpha" DEBUG: | #elif __hppa__ DEBUG: | %CPU "hppa" DEBUG: | #elif __sparc__ && __arch64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sparc64" DEBUG: | #elif __sparc__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sparc" DEBUG: | #elif __mips64 DEBUG: | %CPU "mips64" DEBUG: | #elif __mips__ DEBUG: | %CPU "mips32" DEBUG: | #elif __sh__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sh4" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if __FreeBSD_kernel__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "kFreeBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __DragonFly__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "DragonFly" DEBUG: | #elif __OpenBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "OpenBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __sun__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "SunOS" DEBUG: | #elif __FreeBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "FreeBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __linux__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "Linux" DEBUG: | #elif _WIN32 || __CYGWIN__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "WINNT" DEBUG: | #elif __NetBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "NetBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __APPLE__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "Darwin" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if _MSC_VER || __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "little" DEBUG: | #elif __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "big" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: Executing: `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc64-linux-gcc -std=gnu99 -E /tmp/conftest.QdY8tt.c` DEBUG: COMPILER = gcc DEBUG: VERSION = 7.4.0 DEBUG: STDC_VERSION = 199901L DEBUG: CPU = sparc64 DEBUG: KERNEL = Linux DEBUG: ENDIANNESS = big INFO: yes INFO: checking for Python 3... INFO: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/python3 (3.8.0) INFO: checking for pkg_config... DEBUG: pkg_config: Trying /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/pkg-config INFO: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/pkg-config INFO: checking for pkg-config version... DEBUG: Executing: `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/pkg-config --version` INFO: 1.6.1 INFO: checking for yasm... DEBUG: yasm: Trying yasm INFO: not found INFO: checking for android ndk version... INFO: no INFO: checking for GoogleVR SDK... INFO: Not specified INFO: checking the target C compiler version... INFO: 7.4.0 INFO: checking the target C compiler works... DEBUG: Creating `/tmp/conftest.2v58nJ.c` with content: DEBUG: | DEBUG: | int DEBUG: | main(void) DEBUG: | { DEBUG: | DEBUG: | ; DEBUG: | return 0; DEBUG: | } DEBUG: Executing: `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc64-linux-gcc -std=gnu99 -c /tmp/conftest.2v58nJ.c` INFO: yes WARNING: The value of LD is not used by this build system. INFO: checking for the target C++ compiler... DEBUG: _cxx: Trying /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc64-linux-g++ INFO: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc64-linux-g++ INFO: checking whether the target C++ compiler can be used... DEBUG: Creating `/tmp/conftest.W900TT.cpp` with content: DEBUG: | #if defined(_MSC_VER) DEBUG: | #if defined(__clang__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "clang-cl" DEBUG: | %VERSION _MSC_FULL_VER DEBUG: | #else DEBUG: | %COMPILER "msvc" DEBUG: | %VERSION _MSC_FULL_VER DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #elif defined(__clang__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "clang" DEBUG: | # if !__cplusplus || __has_feature(cxx_alignof) DEBUG: | %VERSION __clang_major__.__clang_minor__.__clang_patchlevel__ DEBUG: | # endif DEBUG: | #elif defined(__GNUC__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "gcc" DEBUG: | %VERSION __GNUC__.__GNUC_MINOR__.__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | DEBUG: | #if __cplusplus DEBUG: | %cplusplus __cplusplus DEBUG: | #elif __STDC_VERSION__ DEBUG: | %STDC_VERSION __STDC_VERSION__ DEBUG: | #elif __STDC__ DEBUG: | %STDC_VERSION 198900L DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if __i386__ || _M_IX86 DEBUG: | %CPU "x86" DEBUG: | #elif __x86_64__ || _M_X64 DEBUG: | %CPU "x86_64" DEBUG: | #elif __arm__ || _M_ARM DEBUG: | %CPU "arm" DEBUG: | #elif __aarch64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "aarch64" DEBUG: | #elif __ia64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ia64" DEBUG: | #elif __s390x__ DEBUG: | %CPU "s390x" DEBUG: | #elif __s390__ DEBUG: | %CPU "s390" DEBUG: | #elif __powerpc64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ppc64" DEBUG: | #elif __powerpc__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ppc" DEBUG: | #elif __riscv && __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 4 DEBUG: | %CPU "riscv32" DEBUG: | #elif __riscv && __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 8 DEBUG: | %CPU "riscv64" DEBUG: | #elif __alpha__ DEBUG: | %CPU "Alpha" DEBUG: | #elif __hppa__ DEBUG: | %CPU "hppa" DEBUG: | #elif __sparc__ && __arch64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sparc64" DEBUG: | #elif __sparc__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sparc" DEBUG: | #elif __mips64 DEBUG: | %CPU "mips64" DEBUG: | #elif __mips__ DEBUG: | %CPU "mips32" DEBUG: | #elif __sh__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sh4" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if __FreeBSD_kernel__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "kFreeBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __DragonFly__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "DragonFly" DEBUG: | #elif __OpenBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "OpenBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __sun__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "SunOS" DEBUG: | #elif __FreeBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "FreeBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __linux__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "Linux" DEBUG: | #elif _WIN32 || __CYGWIN__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "WINNT" DEBUG: | #elif __NetBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "NetBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __APPLE__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "Darwin" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if _MSC_VER || __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "little" DEBUG: | #elif __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "big" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: Executing: `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc64-linux-g++ -E /tmp/conftest.W900TT.cpp` DEBUG: COMPILER = gcc DEBUG: VERSION = 7.4.0 DEBUG: cplusplus = 201402L DEBUG: CPU = sparc64 DEBUG: KERNEL = Linux DEBUG: ENDIANNESS = big INFO: yes INFO: checking the target C++ compiler version... INFO: 7.4.0 INFO: checking the target C++ compiler works... DEBUG: Creating `/tmp/conftest.BNfxr_.cpp` with content: DEBUG: | DEBUG: | int DEBUG: | main(void) DEBUG: | { DEBUG: | DEBUG: | ; DEBUG: | return 0; DEBUG: | } DEBUG: Executing: `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/sparc64-linux-g++ -c /tmp/conftest.BNfxr_.cpp` INFO: yes INFO: checking for the host C compiler... DEBUG: _host_cc: Trying gcc INFO: /usr/bin/gcc INFO: checking whether the host C compiler can be used... DEBUG: Creating `/tmp/conftest.fJnnjD.c` with content: DEBUG: | #if defined(_MSC_VER) DEBUG: | #if defined(__clang__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "clang-cl" DEBUG: | %VERSION _MSC_FULL_VER DEBUG: | #else DEBUG: | %COMPILER "msvc" DEBUG: | %VERSION _MSC_FULL_VER DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #elif defined(__clang__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "clang" DEBUG: | # if !__cplusplus || __has_feature(cxx_alignof) DEBUG: | %VERSION __clang_major__.__clang_minor__.__clang_patchlevel__ DEBUG: | # endif DEBUG: | #elif defined(__GNUC__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "gcc" DEBUG: | %VERSION __GNUC__.__GNUC_MINOR__.__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | DEBUG: | #if __cplusplus DEBUG: | %cplusplus __cplusplus DEBUG: | #elif __STDC_VERSION__ DEBUG: | %STDC_VERSION __STDC_VERSION__ DEBUG: | #elif __STDC__ DEBUG: | %STDC_VERSION 198900L DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if __i386__ || _M_IX86 DEBUG: | %CPU "x86" DEBUG: | #elif __x86_64__ || _M_X64 DEBUG: | %CPU "x86_64" DEBUG: | #elif __arm__ || _M_ARM DEBUG: | %CPU "arm" DEBUG: | #elif __aarch64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "aarch64" DEBUG: | #elif __ia64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ia64" DEBUG: | #elif __s390x__ DEBUG: | %CPU "s390x" DEBUG: | #elif __s390__ DEBUG: | %CPU "s390" DEBUG: | #elif __powerpc64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ppc64" DEBUG: | #elif __powerpc__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ppc" DEBUG: | #elif __riscv && __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 4 DEBUG: | %CPU "riscv32" DEBUG: | #elif __riscv && __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 8 DEBUG: | %CPU "riscv64" DEBUG: | #elif __alpha__ DEBUG: | %CPU "Alpha" DEBUG: | #elif __hppa__ DEBUG: | %CPU "hppa" DEBUG: | #elif __sparc__ && __arch64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sparc64" DEBUG: | #elif __sparc__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sparc" DEBUG: | #elif __mips64 DEBUG: | %CPU "mips64" DEBUG: | #elif __mips__ DEBUG: | %CPU "mips32" DEBUG: | #elif __sh__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sh4" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if __FreeBSD_kernel__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "kFreeBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __DragonFly__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "DragonFly" DEBUG: | #elif __OpenBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "OpenBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __sun__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "SunOS" DEBUG: | #elif __FreeBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "FreeBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __linux__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "Linux" DEBUG: | #elif _WIN32 || __CYGWIN__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "WINNT" DEBUG: | #elif __NetBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "NetBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __APPLE__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "Darwin" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if _MSC_VER || __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "little" DEBUG: | #elif __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "big" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: Executing: `/usr/bin/gcc -E /tmp/conftest.fJnnjD.c` DEBUG: COMPILER = gcc DEBUG: VERSION = 4.8.2 DEBUG: STDC_VERSION = 198900L DEBUG: CPU = x86_64 DEBUG: KERNEL = Linux DEBUG: ENDIANNESS = little DEBUG: Creating `/tmp/conftest.yOVqR7.c` with content: DEBUG: | #if defined(_MSC_VER) DEBUG: | #if defined(__clang__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "clang-cl" DEBUG: | %VERSION _MSC_FULL_VER DEBUG: | #else DEBUG: | %COMPILER "msvc" DEBUG: | %VERSION _MSC_FULL_VER DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #elif defined(__clang__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "clang" DEBUG: | # if !__cplusplus || __has_feature(cxx_alignof) DEBUG: | %VERSION __clang_major__.__clang_minor__.__clang_patchlevel__ DEBUG: | # endif DEBUG: | #elif defined(__GNUC__) DEBUG: | %COMPILER "gcc" DEBUG: | %VERSION __GNUC__.__GNUC_MINOR__.__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | DEBUG: | #if __cplusplus DEBUG: | %cplusplus __cplusplus DEBUG: | #elif __STDC_VERSION__ DEBUG: | %STDC_VERSION __STDC_VERSION__ DEBUG: | #elif __STDC__ DEBUG: | %STDC_VERSION 198900L DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if __i386__ || _M_IX86 DEBUG: | %CPU "x86" DEBUG: | #elif __x86_64__ || _M_X64 DEBUG: | %CPU "x86_64" DEBUG: | #elif __arm__ || _M_ARM DEBUG: | %CPU "arm" DEBUG: | #elif __aarch64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "aarch64" DEBUG: | #elif __ia64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ia64" DEBUG: | #elif __s390x__ DEBUG: | %CPU "s390x" DEBUG: | #elif __s390__ DEBUG: | %CPU "s390" DEBUG: | #elif __powerpc64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ppc64" DEBUG: | #elif __powerpc__ DEBUG: | %CPU "ppc" DEBUG: | #elif __riscv && __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 4 DEBUG: | %CPU "riscv32" DEBUG: | #elif __riscv && __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 8 DEBUG: | %CPU "riscv64" DEBUG: | #elif __alpha__ DEBUG: | %CPU "Alpha" DEBUG: | #elif __hppa__ DEBUG: | %CPU "hppa" DEBUG: | #elif __sparc__ && __arch64__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sparc64" DEBUG: | #elif __sparc__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sparc" DEBUG: | #elif __mips64 DEBUG: | %CPU "mips64" DEBUG: | #elif __mips__ DEBUG: | %CPU "mips32" DEBUG: | #elif __sh__ DEBUG: | %CPU "sh4" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if __FreeBSD_kernel__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "kFreeBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __DragonFly__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "DragonFly" DEBUG: | #elif __OpenBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "OpenBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __sun__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "SunOS" DEBUG: | #elif __FreeBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "FreeBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __linux__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "Linux" DEBUG: | #elif _WIN32 || __CYGWIN__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "WINNT" DEBUG: | #elif __NetBSD__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "NetBSD" DEBUG: | #elif __APPLE__ DEBUG: | %KERNEL "Darwin" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: | #if _MSC_VER || __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "little" DEBUG: | #elif __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ DEBUG: | %ENDIANNESS "big" DEBUG: | #endif DEBUG: Executing: `/usr/bin/gcc -std=gnu99 -E /tmp/conftest.yOVqR7.c` DEBUG: COMPILER = gcc DEBUG: VERSION = 4.8.2 DEBUG: STDC_VERSION = 199901L DEBUG: CPU = x86_64 DEBUG: KERNEL = Linux DEBUG: ENDIANNESS = little INFO: no ERROR: Only GCC 4.9 or newer is supported (found version 4.8.2).