{ "diffoscope-json-version": 1, "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/images/rootfs.tar", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-2/images/rootfs.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "./usr/bin/acpibin", "source2": "./usr/bin/acpibin", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -140,16 +140,16 @@\n 0x00404a90 68203c46 696c653e 002d7320 3c46696c h .-s .Terse mode.-t\n 0x00404ab0 00446973 706c6179 20766572 73696f6e .Display version\n 0x00404ac0 20696e66 6f726d61 74696f6e 002d7600 information.-v.\n 0x00404ad0 44697370 6c617920 6275696c 64206461 Display build da\n 0x00404ae0 74652061 6e642074 696d6500 2d766400 te and time.-vd.\n 0x00404af0 0a25730a 25732076 65727369 6f6e2025 .%s.%s version %\n- 0x00404b00 382e3858 0a25730a 0a003134 3a31343a 8.8X.%s...14:14:\n- 0x00404b10 3135004a 756c2032 33203230 32300042 15.Jul 23 2020.B\n+ 0x00404b00 382e3858 0a25730a 0a003136 3a32383a 8.8X.%s...16:28:\n+ 0x00404b10 3136004a 756c2032 33203230 32300042 16.Jul 23 2020.B\n 0x00404b20 75696c64 20646174 652f7469 6d653a20 uild date/time: \n 0x00404b30 25732025 730a0055 6e6b6e6f 776e206f %s %s..Unknown o\n 0x00404b40 7074696f 6e3a202d 7625730a 00613a63 ption: -v%s..a:c\n 0x00404b50 3a643a68 3a6f3a73 3a74765e 00000000 :d:h:o:s:tv^....\n 0x00404b60 7a0c4000 00000000 500d4000 00000000 z.@.....P.@.....\n 0x00404b70 810c4000 00000000 2b0d4000 00000000 ..@.....+.@.....\n 0x00404b80 500d4000 00000000 500d4000 00000000 P.@.....P.@.....\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/acpidump", "source2": "./usr/bin/acpidump", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -84,15 +84,15 @@\n 0x004062f0 74207461 626c6520 76696120 61206269 t table via a bi\n 0x00406300 6e617279 2066696c 65002d66 203c4269 nary file.-f .-n .Use RSD\n 0x00406330 5420696e 73746561 64206f66 20585344 T instead of XSD\n 0x00406340 54002d78 000a2573 0a257320 76657273 T.-x..%s.%s vers\n 0x00406350 696f6e20 25382e38 580a2573 0a0a0031 ion %8.8X.%s...1\n- 0x00406360 343a3134 3a313600 4a756c20 32332032 4:14:16.Jul 23 2\n+ 0x00406360 363a3238 3a313600 4a756c20 32332032 6:28:16.Jul 23 2\n 0x00406370 30323000 4275696c 64206461 74652f74 020.Build date/t\n 0x00406380 696d653a 20257320 25730a00 556e6b6e ime: %s %s..Unkn\n 0x00406390 6f776e20 6f707469 6f6e3a20 2d762573 own option: -v%s\n 0x004063a0 0a003f61 3a62633a 663a686e 3a6f3a72 ..?a:bc:f:hn:o:r\n 0x004063b0 3a73765e 787a0000 44756d70 20746162 :sv^xz..Dump tab\n 0x004063c0 6c657320 66726f6d 20737065 63696669 les from specifi\n 0x004063d0 65642052 53445000 47657420 7461626c ed RSDP.Get tabl\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/acpiexec", "source2": "./usr/bin/acpiexec", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -382,15 +382,15 @@\n 0x004570f0 7374656d 00416370 69496e69 7469616c stem.AcpiInitial\n 0x00457100 697a6544 65627567 67657200 556e6b6e izeDebugger.Unkn\n 0x00457110 6f776e20 6f707469 6f6e3a20 2d642573 own option: -d%s\n 0x00457120 0a00556e 6b6e6f77 6e206f70 74696f6e ..Unknown option\n 0x00457130 3a202d65 25730a00 556e6b6e 6f776e20 : -e%s..Unknown \n 0x00457140 6f707469 6f6e3a20 2d662573 0a00556e option: -f%s..Un\n 0x00457150 6b6e6f77 6e206f70 74696f6e 3a202d74 known option: -t\n- 0x00457160 25730a00 31343a31 343a3136 004a756c %s..14:14:16.Jul\n+ 0x00457160 25730a00 31363a32 383a3137 004a756c %s..16:28:17.Jul\n 0x00457170 20323320 32303230 00427569 6c642064 23 2020.Build d\n 0x00457180 6174652f 74696d65 3a202573 2025730a ate/time: %s %s.\n 0x00457190 00556e6b 6e6f776e 206f7074 696f6e3a .Unknown option:\n 0x004571a0 202d7625 730a0044 65627567 204c6576 -v%s..Debug Lev\n 0x004571b0 656c3a20 30782538 2e38580a 003f623a el: 0x%8.8X..?b:\n 0x004571c0 643a653a 665e6768 6c6d5e72 745e765e d:e:f^ghlm^rt^v^\n 0x004571d0 3a783a00 414d4c20 45786563 7574696f :x:.AML Executio\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/acpihelp", "source2": "./usr/bin/acpihelp", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -5487,15 +5487,15 @@\n 0x00418c40 002d6400 44697370 6c617920 73757070 .-d.Display supp\n 0x00418c50 6f727465 64204143 50492074 61626c65 orted ACPI table\n 0x00418c60 73002d74 00446973 706c6179 20414350 s.-t.Display ACP\n 0x00418c70 492d7265 6c617465 64205555 49447300 I-related UUIDs.\n 0x00418c80 2d750041 43504920 48656c70 20557469 -u.ACPI Help Uti\n 0x00418c90 6c697479 000a2573 0a257320 76657273 lity..%s.%s vers\n 0x00418ca0 696f6e20 25382e38 580a2573 0a0a0031 ion %8.8X.%s...1\n- 0x00418cb0 343a3134 3a313800 4a756c20 32332032 4:14:18.Jul 23 2\n+ 0x00418cb0 363a3238 3a323100 4a756c20 32332032 6:28:21.Jul 23 2\n 0x00418cc0 30323000 4275696c 64206461 74652f74 020.Build date/t\n 0x00418cd0 696d653a 20257320 25730a00 556e6b6e ime: %s %s..Unkn\n 0x00418ce0 6f776e20 6f707469 6f6e3a20 2d762573 own option: -v%s\n 0x00418cf0 0a006164 65676869 6b6d6f70 73747576 ..adeghikmopstuv\n 0x00418d00 5e000000 00000000 d30d4000 00000000 ^.........@.....\n 0x00418d10 7a0e4000 00000000 7a0e4000 00000000 z.@.....z.@.....\n 0x00418d20 cb0d4000 00000000 c30d4000 00000000 ..@.......@.....\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/acpisrc", "source2": "./usr/bin/acpisrc", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -150,15 +150,15 @@\n 0x00407210 20646174 6520616e 64207469 6d65002d date and time.-\n 0x00407220 7664002d 79000a25 730a2573 20766572 vd.-y..%s.%s ver\n 0x00407230 73696f6e 2025382e 38580a25 730a0a00 sion %8.8X.%s...\n 0x00407240 43726561 74696e67 204c696e 75782073 Creating Linux s\n 0x00407250 6f757263 6520636f 64650a00 436f6465 ource code..Code\n 0x00407260 20636c65 616e7570 0a004375 73746f6d cleanup..Custom\n 0x00407270 20736f75 72636520 7472616e 736c6174 source translat\n- 0x00407280 696f6e0a 0031343a 31343a32 30004a75 ion..14:14:20.Ju\n+ 0x00407280 696f6e0a 0031363a 32383a32 31004a75 ion..16:28:21.Ju\n 0x00407290 6c203233 20323032 30004275 696c6420 l 23 2020.Build \n 0x004072a0 64617465 2f74696d 653a2025 73202573 date/time: %s %s\n 0x004072b0 0a00556e 6b6e6f77 6e206f70 74696f6e ..Unknown option\n 0x004072c0 3a202d76 25730a00 61636468 696c7173 : -v%s..acdhilqs\n 0x004072d0 75765e79 004d6973 73696e67 20736f75 uv^y.Missing sou\n 0x004072e0 72636520 70617468 0a00536f 75726365 rce path..Source\n 0x004072f0 20636f64 65207374 61746973 74696373 code statistics\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/acpixtract", "source2": "./usr/bin/acpixtract", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -73,16 +73,16 @@\n 0x00403bc0 2020252d 32307325 730a002d 66002d6c %-20s%s..-f.-l\n 0x00403bd0 002d6d00 2d73203c 7369676e 61747572 .-m.-s .Display versi\n 0x00403bf0 6f6e2069 6e666f72 6d617469 6f6e002d on information.-\n 0x00403c00 76004469 73706c61 79206275 696c6420 v.Display build \n 0x00403c10 64617465 20616e64 2074696d 65002d76 date and time.-v\n 0x00403c20 64000a25 730a2573 20766572 73696f6e d..%s.%s version\n- 0x00403c30 2025382e 38580a25 730a0a00 31343a31 %8.8X.%s...14:1\n- 0x00403c40 343a3231 004a756c 20323320 32303230 4:21.Jul 23 2020\n+ 0x00403c30 2025382e 38580a25 730a0a00 31363a32 %8.8X.%s...16:2\n+ 0x00403c40 383a3234 004a756c 20323320 32303230 8:24.Jul 23 2020\n 0x00403c50 00427569 6c642064 6174652f 74696d65 .Build date/time\n 0x00403c60 3a202573 2025730a 00556e6b 6e6f776e : %s %s..Unknown\n 0x00403c70 206f7074 696f6e3a 202d7625 730a0061 option: -v%s..a\n 0x00403c80 66686c6d 733a765e 00445344 54005353 fhlms:v^.DSDT.SS\n 0x00403c90 44540000 00000000 f80e4000 00000000 DT........@.....\n 0x00403ca0 cb0e4000 00000000 cb0e4000 00000000 ..@.......@.....\n 0x00403cb0 cb0e4000 00000000 cb0e4000 00000000 ..@.......@.....\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/curlpp-config", "source2": "./usr/bin/curlpp-config", "unified_diff": "@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@\n # [not currently used]\n -*=*) value=`echo \"$1\" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;\n *) value= ;;\n esac\n \n case \"$1\" in\n --cc)\n-\techo /home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-gcc\n+\techo /home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-2/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-gcc\n \t;;\n \n --prefix)\n \techo $prefix\n \t;;\n \n --feature)\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/ffprobe", "source2": "./usr/bin/ffprobe", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -131,30 +131,30 @@\n 0x00418820 43616e6e 6f74206c 69737420 73696e6b Cannot list sink\n 0x00418830 732e204e 6f742069 6d706c65 6d656e74 s. Not implement\n 0x00418840 65642e00 00000000 2d2d656e 61626c65 ed......--enable\n 0x00418850 2d63726f 73732d63 6f6d7069 6c65202d -cross-compile -\n 0x00418860 2d63726f 73732d70 72656669 783d2f68 -cross-prefix=/h\n 0x00418870 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 0x00418880 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f 75747075 instance-0/outpu\n- 0x00418890 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f783836 t-1/host/bin/x86\n+ 0x00418890 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f783836 t-2/host/bin/x86\n 0x004188a0 5f36342d 616d642d 6c696e75 782d676e _64-amd-linux-gn\n 0x004188b0 752d202d 2d737973 726f6f74 3d2f686f u- --sysroot=/ho\n 0x004188c0 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f 726b2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 0x004188d0 6e737461 6e63652d 302f6f75 74707574 nstance-0/output\n- 0x004188e0 2d312f68 6f73742f 7838365f 36342d62 -1/host/x86_64-b\n+ 0x004188e0 2d322f68 6f73742f 7838365f 36342d62 -2/host/x86_64-b\n 0x004188f0 75696c64 726f6f74 2d6c696e 75782d67 uildroot-linux-g\n 0x00418900 6e752f73 7973726f 6f74202d 2d686f73 nu/sysroot --hos\n 0x00418910 742d6363 3d2f7573 722f6269 6e2f6763 t-cc=/usr/bin/gc\n 0x00418920 63202d2d 61726368 3d783836 5f363420 c --arch=x86_64 \n 0x00418930 2d2d7461 72676574 2d6f733d 6c696e75 --target-os=linu\n 0x00418940 78202d2d 64697361 626c652d 73747269 x --disable-stri\n 0x00418950 7070696e 67202d2d 706b672d 636f6e66 pping --pkg-conf\n 0x00418960 69673d2f 686f6d65 2f6e616f 7572722f ig=/home/naourr/\n 0x00418970 776f726b 2f696e73 74616e63 652d302f work/instance-0/\n- 0x00418980 6f757470 75742d31 2f686f73 742f6269 output-1/host/bi\n+ 0x00418980 6f757470 75742d32 2f686f73 742f6269 output-2/host/bi\n 0x00418990 6e2f706b 672d636f 6e666967 202d2d64 n/pkg-config --d\n 0x004189a0 69736162 6c652d73 74617469 63202d2d isable-static --\n 0x004189b0 656e6162 6c652d73 68617265 64202d2d enable-shared --\n 0x004189c0 70726566 69783d2f 75737220 2d2d656e prefix=/usr --en\n 0x004189d0 61626c65 2d617666 696c7465 72202d2d able-avfilter --\n 0x004189e0 64697361 626c652d 76657273 696f6e33 disable-version3\n 0x004189f0 202d2d65 6e61626c 652d6c6f 6767696e --enable-loggin\n@@ -339,31 +339,31 @@\n 0x00419520 65727920 436f6465 42656e63 68204c69 ery CodeBench Li\n 0x00419530 74652032 3031362e 31312d31 39290000 te 2016.11-19)..\n 0x00419540 2573636f 6e666967 75726174 696f6e3a %sconfiguration:\n 0x00419550 202d2d65 6e61626c 652d6372 6f73732d --enable-cross-\n 0x00419560 636f6d70 696c6520 2d2d6372 6f73732d compile --cross-\n 0x00419570 70726566 69783d2f 686f6d65 2f6e616f prefix=/home/nao\n 0x00419580 7572722f 776f726b 2f696e73 74616e63 urr/work/instanc\n- 0x00419590 652d302f 6f757470 75742d31 2f686f73 e-0/output-1/hos\n+ 0x00419590 652d302f 6f757470 75742d32 2f686f73 e-0/output-2/hos\n 0x004195a0 742f6269 6e2f7838 365f3634 2d616d64 t/bin/x86_64-amd\n 0x004195b0 2d6c696e 75782d67 6e752d20 2d2d7379 -linux-gnu- --sy\n 0x004195c0 73726f6f 743d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 sroot=/home/naou\n 0x004195d0 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 rr/work/instance\n- 0x004195e0 2d302f6f 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 -0/output-1/host\n+ 0x004195e0 2d302f6f 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0x004195f0 2f783836 5f36342d 6275696c 64726f6f /x86_64-buildroo\n 0x00419600 742d6c69 6e75782d 676e752f 73797372 t-linux-gnu/sysr\n 0x00419610 6f6f7420 2d2d686f 73742d63 633d2f75 oot --host-cc=/u\n 0x00419620 73722f62 696e2f67 6363202d 2d617263 sr/bin/gcc --arc\n 0x00419630 683d7838 365f3634 202d2d74 61726765 h=x86_64 --targe\n 0x00419640 742d6f73 3d6c696e 7578202d 2d646973 t-os=linux --dis\n 0x00419650 61626c65 2d737472 69707069 6e67202d able-stripping -\n 0x00419660 2d706b67 2d636f6e 6669673d 2f686f6d -pkg-config=/hom\n 0x00419670 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e e/naourr/work/in\n 0x00419680 7374616e 63652d30 2f6f7574 7075742d stance-0/output-\n- 0x00419690 312f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 6b672d63 1/host/bin/pkg-c\n+ 0x00419690 322f686f 73742f62 696e2f70 6b672d63 2/host/bin/pkg-c\n 0x004196a0 6f6e6669 67202d2d 64697361 626c652d onfig --disable-\n 0x004196b0 73746174 6963202d 2d656e61 626c652d static --enable-\n 0x004196c0 73686172 6564202d 2d707265 6669783d shared --prefix=\n 0x004196d0 2f757372 202d2d65 6e61626c 652d6176 /usr --enable-av\n 0x004196e0 66696c74 6572202d 2d646973 61626c65 filter --disable\n 0x004196f0 2d766572 73696f6e 33202d2d 656e6162 -version3 --enab\n 0x00419700 6c652d6c 6f676769 6e67202d 2d656e61 le-logging --ena\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/httpd", "source2": "./usr/bin/httpd", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.rodata':\n 0x0044de20 01000200 636f7265 5f6d6f64 756c6500 ....core_module.\n 0x0044de30 736f5f6d 6f64756c 65006874 74705f6d so_module.http_m\n 0x0044de40 6f64756c 65006d70 6d5f776f 726b6572 odule.mpm_worker\n 0x0044de50 5f6d6f64 756c6500 00000000 00000000 _module.........\n- 0x0044de60 4a756c20 32332032 30323020 31343a32 Jul 23 2020 14:2\n- 0x0044de70 323a3334 00536572 76657220 76657273 2:34.Server vers\n+ 0x0044de60 4a756c20 32332032 30323020 31363a33 Jul 23 2020 16:3\n+ 0x0044de70 363a3036 00536572 76657220 76657273 6:06.Server vers\n 0x0044de80 696f6e3a 2025730a 00536572 76657220 ion: %s..Server \n 0x0044de90 6275696c 743a2020 2025730a 00536572 built: %s..Ser\n 0x0044dea0 76657227 73204d6f 64756c65 204d6167 ver's Module Mag\n 0x0044deb0 6963204e 756d6265 723a2025 753a2575 ic Number: %u:%u\n 0x0044dec0 0a005365 72766572 206c6f61 6465643a ..Server loaded:\n 0x0044ded0 20204150 52202573 2c204150 522d5554 APR %s, APR-UT\n 0x0044dee0 494c2025 730a0031 2e362e31 00312e37 IL %s..\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/iasl", "source2": "./usr/bin/iasl", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -19243,16 +19243,16 @@\n 0x004b71a0 206f7074 696f6e3a 202d6925 730a0055 option: -i%s..U\n 0x004b71b0 6e6b6e6f 776e206f 7074696f 6e3a202d nknown option: -\n 0x004b71c0 6c25730a 004c696e 65204275 66666572 l%s..Line Buffer\n 0x004b71d0 2053697a 653a2025 750a0055 6e6b6e6f Size: %u..Unkno\n 0x004b71e0 776e206f 7074696f 6e3a202d 5025730a wn option: -P%s.\n 0x004b71f0 00556e6b 6e6f776e 206f7074 696f6e3a .Unknown option:\n 0x004b7200 202d7325 730a0055 6e6b6e6f 776e206f -s%s..Unknown o\n- 0x004b7210 7074696f 6e3a202d 7425730a 0031343a ption: -t%s..14:\n- 0x004b7220 31343a33 30004a75 6c203233 20323032 14:30.Jul 23 202\n+ 0x004b7210 7074696f 6e3a202d 7425730a 0031363a ption: -t%s..16:\n+ 0x004b7220 32383a33 36004a75 6c203233 20323032 28:36.Jul 23 202\n 0x004b7230 30004275 696c6420 64617465 2f74696d 0.Build date/tim\n 0x004b7240 653a2025 73202573 0a00556e 6b6e6f77 e: %s %s..Unknow\n 0x004b7250 6e206f70 74696f6e 3a202d76 25730a00 n option: -v%s..\n 0x004b7260 556e6b6e 6f776e20 6f707469 6f6e3a20 Unknown option: \n 0x004b7270 2d772573 0a004d69 7373696e 6720696e -w%s..Missing in\n 0x004b7280 70757420 66696c65 6e616d65 0a000000 put filename....\n 0x004b7290 8a0d4200 00000000 d1124200 00000000 ..B.......B.....\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/mpv", "source2": "./usr/bin/mpv", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --dynamic {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --dynamic {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@\n \n Dynamic section at offset 0x12ed20 contains 40 entries:\n Tag Type Name/Value\n- 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libjpeg.so.8]\n 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libm.so.6]\n- 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libavcodec.so.58]\n 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libavdevice.so.58]\n- 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libdvdnav.so.4]\n- 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libpthread.so.0]\n+ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libX11.so.6]\n+ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libXss.so.1]\n+ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libXext.so.6]\n+ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libXinerama.so.1]\n+ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libXrandr.so.2]\n+ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libavcodec.so.58]\n 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libdvdread.so.8]\n 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [librt.so.1]\n+ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libdl.so.2]\n 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libavutil.so.56]\n 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libavformat.so.58]\n 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libswscale.so.5]\n 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libavfilter.so.7]\n 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libswresample.so.3]\n- 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libX11.so.6]\n- 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libXss.so.1]\n- 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libXext.so.6]\n- 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libXinerama.so.1]\n- 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libXrandr.so.2]\n- 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libdl.so.2]\n+ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libjpeg.so.8]\n+ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libdvdnav.so.4]\n+ 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libpthread.so.0]\n 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libz.so.1]\n 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libc.so.6]\n 0x000000000000000c (INIT) 0x40a1b8\n 0x000000000000000d (FINI) 0x4b89f8\n 0x0000000000000004 (HASH) 0x400278\n 0x0000000000000005 (STRTAB) 0x404858\n 0x0000000000000006 (SYMTAB) 0x401378\n" }, { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.dynstr {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.dynstr {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,449 +1,449 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.dynstr':\n- 0x00404858 006c6962 6a706567 2e736f2e 38005f49 .libjpeg.so.8._I\n- 0x00404868 544d5f64 65726567 69737465 72544d43 TM_deregisterTMC\n- 0x00404878 6c6f6e65 5461626c 65006a70 65675f73 loneTable.jpeg_s\n- 0x00404888 65745f64 65666175 6c747300 6a706567 et_defaults.jpeg\n- 0x00404898 5f737461 72745f63 6f6d7072 65737300 _start_compress.\n- 0x004048a8 6a706567 5f437265 61746543 6f6d7072 jpeg_CreateCompr\n- 0x004048b8 65737300 5f5f676d 6f6e5f73 74617274 ess.__gmon_start\n- 0x004048c8 5f5f006a 7065675f 7374645f 6572726f __.jpeg_std_erro\n- 0x004048d8 72006a70 65675f73 65745f71 75616c69 r.jpeg_set_quali\n- 0x004048e8 7479006a 7065675f 73746469 6f5f6465 ty.jpeg_stdio_de\n- 0x004048f8 7374006a 7065675f 77726974 655f7363 st.jpeg_write_sc\n- 0x00404908 616e6c69 6e657300 6a706567 5f66696e anlines.jpeg_fin\n- 0x00404918 6973685f 636f6d70 72657373 005f4a76 ish_compress._Jv\n- 0x00404928 5f526567 69737465 72436c61 73736573 _RegisterClasses\n- 0x00404938 005f4954 4d5f7265 67697374 6572544d ._ITM_registerTM\n- 0x00404948 436c6f6e 65546162 6c65006a 7065675f CloneTable.jpeg_\n- 0x00404958 64657374 726f795f 636f6d70 72657373 destroy_compress\n- 0x00404968 006c6962 6d2e736f 2e360074 72756e63 .libm.so.6.trunc\n- 0x00404978 00657870 66006c72 6f756e64 6600666d .expf.lroundf.fm\n- 0x00404988 61780065 7870006c 6c72696e 74007369 ax.exp.llrint.si\n- 0x00404998 6e636f73 006c6f67 00706f77 66007369 ncos.log.powf.si\n- 0x004049a8 6e006a31 00706f77 006c6f67 31300063 n.j1.pow.log10.c\n- 0x004049b8 65696c66 00737172 74006365 696c006c eilf.sqrt.ceil.l\n- 0x004049c8 69626176 636f6465 632e736f 2e353800 ibavcodec.so.58.\n- 0x004049d8 61765f70 61636b65 745f616c 6c6f6300 av_packet_alloc.\n- 0x004049e8 6176636f 6465635f 73656e64 5f667261 avcodec_send_fra\n- 0x004049f8 6d650061 76636f64 65635f73 656e645f me.avcodec_send_\n- 0x00404a08 7061636b 65740061 76636f64 65635f70 packet.avcodec_p\n- 0x00404a18 6172616d 65746572 735f6672 65650069 arameters_free.i\n- 0x00404a28 6e666c61 7465456e 64006176 636f6465 nflateEnd.avcode\n- 0x00404a38 635f7072 6f66696c 655f6e61 6d650061 c_profile_name.a\n- 0x00404a48 76636f64 65635f66 696e645f 656e636f vcodec_find_enco\n- 0x00404a58 6465725f 62795f6e 616d6500 61765f70 der_by_name.av_p\n- 0x00404a68 61727365 725f636c 6f736500 6176636f arser_close.avco\n- 0x00404a78 6465635f 6f70656e 32006176 5f706163 dec_open2.av_pac\n- 0x00404a88 6b65745f 66726565 00617663 6f646563 ket_free.avcodec\n- 0x00404a98 5f726563 65697665 5f667261 6d650061 _receive_frame.a\n- 0x00404aa8 76636f64 65635f67 65745f68 775f6672 vcodec_get_hw_fr\n- 0x00404ab8 616d6573 5f706172 616d6574 65727300 ames_parameters.\n- 0x00404ac8 6176636f 6465635f 76657273 696f6e00 avcodec_version.\n- 0x00404ad8 6176636f 6465635f 66696e64 5f656e63 avcodec_find_enc\n- 0x00404ae8 6f646572 00617663 6f646563 5f676574 oder.avcodec_get\n- 0x00404af8 5f68775f 636f6e66 69670061 765f7061 _hw_config.av_pa\n- 0x00404b08 72736572 5f696e69 74006176 636f6465 rser_init.avcode\n- 0x00404b18 635f7061 72616d65 74657273 5f636f70 c_parameters_cop\n- 0x00404b28 79006176 636f6465 635f7061 72616d65 y.avcodec_parame\n- 0x00404b38 74657273 5f746f5f 636f6e74 65787400 ters_to_context.\n- 0x00404b48 6176636f 6465635f 66696e64 5f646563 avcodec_find_dec\n- 0x00404b58 6f646572 0061765f 636f6465 635f6973 oder.av_codec_is\n- 0x00404b68 5f656e63 6f646572 0061765f 636f6465 _encoder.av_code\n- 0x00404b78 635f6973 5f646563 6f646572 0061765f c_is_decoder.av_\n- 0x00404b88 70617273 65725f70 61727365 32006176 parser_parse2.av\n- 0x00404b98 636f6465 635f636c 6f736500 696e666c codec_close.infl\n- 0x00404ba8 61746500 61765f6e 65775f70 61636b65 ate.av_new_packe\n- 0x00404bb8 74006176 5f696e69 745f7061 636b6574 t.av_init_packet\n- 0x00404bc8 00617663 6f646563 5f726563 65697665 .avcodec_receive\n- 0x00404bd8 5f706163 6b657400 61765f70 61636b65 _packet.av_packe\n- 0x00404be8 745f7265 66006176 636f6465 635f6465 t_ref.avcodec_de\n- 0x00404bf8 73637269 70746f72 5f676574 00617663 scriptor_get.avc\n- 0x00404c08 6f646563 5f646573 63726970 746f725f odec_descriptor_\n- 0x00404c18 6765745f 62795f6e 616d6500 6176636f get_by_name.avco\n- 0x00404c28 6465635f 6465636f 64655f73 75627469 dec_decode_subti\n- 0x00404c38 746c6532 00617663 6f646563 5f66696e tle2.avcodec_fin\n- 0x00404c48 645f6465 636f6465 725f6279 5f6e616d d_decoder_by_nam\n- 0x00404c58 65006176 636f6465 635f616c 6c6f635f e.avcodec_alloc_\n- 0x00404c68 636f6e74 65787433 00617663 6f646563 context3.avcodec\n- 0x00404c78 5f646566 61756c74 5f676574 5f627566 _default_get_buf\n- 0x00404c88 66657232 00617663 6f646563 5f706172 fer2.avcodec_par\n- 0x00404c98 616d6574 6572735f 66726f6d 5f636f6e ameters_from_con\n- 0x00404ca8 74657874 00617663 6f646563 5f666c75 text.avcodec_flu\n- 0x00404cb8 73685f62 75666665 72730061 76636f64 sh_buffers.avcod\n- 0x00404cc8 65635f70 6172616d 65746572 735f616c ec_parameters_al\n- 0x00404cd8 6c6f6300 6176636f 6465635f 66696e64 loc.avcodec_find\n- 0x00404ce8 5f626573 745f7069 785f666d 745f6f66 _best_pix_fmt_of\n- 0x00404cf8 5f6c6973 74006176 636f6465 635f616c _list.avcodec_al\n- 0x00404d08 69676e5f 64696d65 6e73696f 6e733200 ign_dimensions2.\n- 0x00404d18 61765f70 61636b65 745f6e65 775f7369 av_packet_new_si\n- 0x00404d28 64655f64 61746100 61767375 62746974 de_data.avsubtit\n- 0x00404d38 6c655f66 72656500 61765f73 6872696e le_free.av_shrin\n- 0x00404d48 6b5f7061 636b6574 0061765f 7061636b k_packet.av_pack\n- 0x00404d58 65745f63 6c6f6e65 0061765f 7061636b et_clone.av_pack\n- 0x00404d68 65745f63 6f70795f 70726f70 73006176 et_copy_props.av\n- 0x00404d78 636f6465 635f6672 65655f63 6f6e7465 codec_free_conte\n- 0x00404d88 78740061 765f7061 636b6574 5f756e72 xt.av_packet_unr\n- 0x00404d98 65660069 6e666c61 7465496e 69745f00 ef.inflateInit_.\n- 0x00404da8 61765f67 65745f62 6974735f 7065725f av_get_bits_per_\n- 0x00404db8 73616d70 6c650061 765f7061 636b6574 sample.av_packet\n- 0x00404dc8 5f726573 63616c65 5f747300 61765f63 _rescale_ts.av_c\n- 0x00404dd8 6f646563 5f697465 72617465 00617663 odec_iterate.avc\n- 0x00404de8 6f646563 5f656e75 6d5f746f 5f636872 odec_enum_to_chr\n- 0x00404df8 6f6d615f 706f7300 6176636f 6465635f oma_pos.avcodec_\n- 0x00404e08 69735f6f 70656e00 6176636f 6465635f is_open.avcodec_\n- 0x00404e18 64656661 756c745f 6765745f 666f726d default_get_form\n- 0x00404e28 6174006c 69626176 64657669 63652e73 at.libavdevice.s\n- 0x00404e38 6f2e3538 00617664 65766963 655f7265 o.58.avdevice_re\n- 0x00404e48 67697374 65725f61 6c6c006c 69626476 gister_all.libdv\n- 0x00404e58 646e6176 2e736f2e 34006476 646e6176 dnav.so.4.dvdnav\n- 0x00404e68 5f676574 5f6e756d 6265725f 6f665f74 _get_number_of_t\n- 0x00404e78 69746c65 73006476 646e6176 5f737469 itles.dvdnav_sti\n- 0x00404e88 6c6c5f73 6b697000 6476646e 61765f63 ll_skip.dvdnav_c\n- 0x00404e98 6c6f7365 00647664 6e61765f 6765745f lose.dvdnav_get_\n- 0x00404ea8 7370755f 6c6f6769 63616c5f 73747265 spu_logical_stre\n- 0x00404eb8 616d0064 76646e61 765f6765 745f7469 am.dvdnav_get_ti\n- 0x00404ec8 746c655f 73747269 6e670064 76646e61 tle_string.dvdna\n- 0x00404ed8 765f6f70 656e0069 666f436c 6f736500 v_open.ifoClose.\n- 0x00404ee8 6476646e 61765f67 65745f63 75727265 dvdnav_get_curre\n- 0x00404ef8 6e745f6e 61765f70 63690064 76646e61 nt_nav_pci.dvdna\n- 0x00404f08 765f6765 745f6e65 78745f62 6c6f636b v_get_next_block\n- 0x00404f18 00647664 6e61765f 7365745f 72656164 .dvdnav_set_read\n- 0x00404f28 61686561 645f666c 61670044 5644436c ahead_flag.DVDCl\n- 0x00404f38 6f736500 6e617652 6561645f 44534900 ose.navRead_DSI.\n- 0x00404f48 6476646e 61765f67 65745f70 6f736974 dvdnav_get_posit\n- 0x00404f58 696f6e00 6476646e 61765f73 70755f73 ion.dvdnav_spu_s\n- 0x00404f68 74726561 6d5f746f 5f6c616e 67006476 tream_to_lang.dv\n- 0x00404f78 646e6176 5f617564 696f5f73 74726561 dnav_audio_strea\n- 0x00404f88 6d5f746f 5f6c616e 67006476 646e6176 m_to_lang.dvdnav\n- 0x00404f98 5f676574 5f617564 696f5f6c 6f676963 _get_audio_logic\n- 0x00404fa8 616c5f73 74726561 6d004456 444f7065 al_stream.DVDOpe\n- 0x00404fb8 6e46696c 65006476 646e6176 5f736574 nFile.dvdnav_set\n- 0x00404fc8 5f504743 5f706f73 6974696f 6e696e67 _PGC_positioning\n- 0x00404fd8 5f666c61 67004456 44526561 64426c6f _flag.DVDReadBlo\n- 0x00404fe8 636b7300 6476646e 61765f67 65745f6e cks.dvdnav_get_n\n- 0x00404ff8 756d6265 725f6f66 5f706172 74730064 umber_of_parts.d\n- 0x00405008 76646e61 765f6765 745f6375 7272656e vdnav_get_curren\n- 0x00405018 745f7469 6d650064 76646e61 765f6375 t_time.dvdnav_cu\n- 0x00405028 7272656e 745f7469 746c655f 696e666f rrent_title_info\n- 0x00405038 00647664 6e61765f 74696d65 5f736561 .dvdnav_time_sea\n- 0x00405048 72636800 6476646e 61765f74 69746c65 rch.dvdnav_title\n- 0x00405058 5f706c61 79006476 646e6176 5f646573 _play.dvdnav_des\n- 0x00405068 63726962 655f7469 746c655f 63686170 cribe_title_chap\n- 0x00405078 74657273 00445644 436c6f73 6546696c ters.DVDCloseFil\n- 0x00405088 65006476 646e6176 5f676574 5f766964 e.dvdnav_get_vid\n- 0x00405098 656f5f61 73706563 74006476 646e6176 eo_aspect.dvdnav\n- 0x004050a8 5f616e67 6c655f63 68616e67 65006966 _angle_change.if\n- 0x004050b8 6f4f7065 6e006476 646e6176 5f657272 oOpen.dvdnav_err\n- 0x004050c8 5f746f5f 73747269 6e670064 76646e61 _to_string.dvdna\n- 0x004050d8 765f7761 69745f73 6b697000 6476646e v_wait_skip.dvdn\n- 0x004050e8 61765f67 65745f61 6e676c65 5f696e66 av_get_angle_inf\n- 0x004050f8 6f006c69 62707468 72656164 2e736f2e o.libpthread.so.\n- 0x00405108 30007074 68726561 645f7365 746e616d 0.pthread_setnam\n- 0x00405118 655f6e70 00707468 72656164 5f636f6e e_np.pthread_con\n- 0x00405128 645f696e 69740070 74687265 61645f6d d_init.pthread_m\n- 0x00405138 75746578 5f646573 74726f79 0073656e utex_destroy.sen\n- 0x00405148 64007074 68726561 645f7365 6c660070 d.pthread_self.p\n- 0x00405158 74687265 61645f6d 75746578 5f696e69 thread_mutex_ini\n- 0x00405168 74007074 68726561 645f636f 6e645f77 t.pthread_cond_w\n- 0x00405178 61697400 70746872 6561645f 636f6e64 ait.pthread_cond\n- 0x00405188 5f646573 74726f79 00707468 72656164 _destroy.pthread\n- 0x00405198 5f6d7574 65786174 74725f73 65747479 _mutexattr_setty\n- 0x004051a8 7065005f 5f657272 6e6f5f6c 6f636174 pe.__errno_locat\n- 0x004051b8 696f6e00 70746872 6561645f 6f6e6365 ion.pthread_once\n- 0x004051c8 00726169 73650073 656d5f70 6f737400 .raise.sem_post.\n- 0x004051d8 70746872 6561645f 6d757465 785f6c6f pthread_mutex_lo\n- 0x004051e8 636b0070 74687265 61645f6d 75746578 ck.pthread_mutex\n- 0x004051f8 61747472 5f696e69 74007074 68726561 attr_init.pthrea\n- 0x00405208 645f636f 6e645f73 69676e61 6c007074 d_cond_signal.pt\n- 0x00405218 68726561 645f636f 6e645f74 696d6564 hread_cond_timed\n- 0x00405228 77616974 00616363 65707400 6c736565 wait.accept.lsee\n- 0x00405238 6b363400 73656d5f 64657374 726f7900 k64.sem_destroy.\n- 0x00405248 66636e74 6c007074 68726561 645f6372 fcntl.pthread_cr\n- 0x00405258 65617465 00707468 72656164 5f6a6f69 eate.pthread_joi\n- 0x00405268 6e007369 67616374 696f6e00 70746872 n.sigaction.pthr\n- 0x00405278 6561645f 6d757465 78617474 725f6465 ead_mutexattr_de\n- 0x00405288 7374726f 79007365 6d5f696e 69740070 stroy.sem_init.p\n- 0x00405298 74687265 61645f63 6f6e645f 62726f61 thread_cond_broa\n- 0x004052a8 64636173 74007074 68726561 645f6465 dcast.pthread_de\n- 0x004052b8 74616368 0073656d 5f747279 77616974 tach.sem_trywait\n- 0x004052c8 0073656d 5f776169 74007074 68726561 .sem_wait.pthrea\n- 0x004052d8 645f6d75 7465785f 756e6c6f 636b006e d_mutex_unlock.n\n- 0x004052e8 616e6f73 6c656570 00776169 74706964 anosleep.waitpid\n- 0x004052f8 006c6962 64766472 6561642e 736f2e38 .libdvdread.so.8\n- 0x00405308 00445644 49534f56 6f6c756d 65496e66 .DVDISOVolumeInf\n- 0x00405318 6f004456 44554446 566f6c75 6d65496e o.DVDUDFVolumeIn\n- 0x00405328 666f0044 56444f70 656e006c 69627274 fo.DVDOpen.librt\n- 0x00405338 2e736f2e 3100636c 6f636b5f 67657474 .so.1.clock_gett\n- 0x00405348 696d6500 6c696261 76757469 6c2e736f ime.libavutil.so\n- 0x00405358 2e353600 61765f62 75666665 725f756e .56.av_buffer_un\n- 0x00405368 72656600 61765f68 77667261 6d655f63 ref.av_hwframe_c\n- 0x00405378 74785f69 6e697400 61765f6d 616c6c6f tx_init.av_mallo\n- 0x00405388 63006176 5f6d6435 5f73756d 0061765f c.av_md5_sum.av_\n- 0x00405398 6672616d 655f636f 70795f70 726f7073 frame_copy_props\n- 0x004053a8 0061765f 6672616d 655f756e 72656600 .av_frame_unref.\n- 0x004053b8 61765f6f 70745f73 65740061 765f6f70 av_opt_set.av_op\n- 0x004053c8 745f7365 745f696e 74006176 5f687766 t_set_int.av_hwf\n- 0x004053d8 72616d65 5f747261 6e736665 725f6765 rame_transfer_ge\n- 0x004053e8 745f666f 726d6174 73006176 5f726573 t_formats.av_res\n- 0x004053f8 63616c65 5f710061 765f6c6f 675f7365 cale_q.av_log_se\n- 0x00405408 745f6361 6c6c6261 636b0061 765f6672 t_callback.av_fr\n- 0x00405418 616d655f 616c6c6f 63006176 5f676574 ame_alloc.av_get\n- 0x00405428 5f706978 5f666d74 0061765f 62756666 _pix_fmt.av_buff\n- 0x00405438 65725f61 6c6c6f63 0061765f 64696374 er_alloc.av_dict\n- 0x00405448 5f676574 0061765f 7368615f 75706461 _get.av_sha_upda\n- 0x00405458 74650061 765f6c66 675f696e 69740061 te.av_lfg_init.a\n- 0x00405468 765f6c6f 67320061 765f6f70 745f6765 v_log2.av_opt_ge\n- 0x00405478 74006176 5f687764 65766963 655f6374 t.av_hwdevice_ct\n- 0x00405488 785f6372 65617465 0061765f 6672616d x_create.av_fram\n- 0x00405498 655f636c 6f6e6500 61765f64 6963745f e_clone.av_dict_\n- 0x004054a8 73657400 61765f76 65727369 6f6e5f69 set.av_version_i\n- 0x004054b8 6e666f00 61765f62 75666665 725f706f nfo.av_buffer_po\n- 0x004054c8 6f6c5f67 65740061 765f6765 745f706c ol_get.av_get_pl\n- 0x004054d8 616e6172 5f73616d 706c655f 666d7400 anar_sample_fmt.\n- 0x004054e8 61767574 696c5f76 65727369 6f6e0061 avutil_version.a\n- 0x004054f8 765f6370 755f636f 756e7400 61765f66 v_cpu_count.av_f\n- 0x00405508 72616d65 5f726566 0061765f 68776672 rame_ref.av_hwfr\n- 0x00405518 616d655f 6374785f 616c6c6f 63006176 ame_ctx_alloc.av\n- 0x00405528 5f736861 5f616c6c 6f630061 765f6469 _sha_alloc.av_di\n- 0x00405538 73706c61 795f726f 74617469 6f6e5f67 splay_rotation_g\n- 0x00405548 65740061 765f6672 616d655f 6d616b65 et.av_frame_make\n- 0x00405558 5f777269 7461626c 65006176 5f6f7074 _writable.av_opt\n- 0x00405568 5f6e6578 74006176 5f627566 6665725f _next.av_buffer_\n- 0x00405578 69735f77 72697461 626c6500 61765f70 is_writable.av_p\n- 0x00405588 69785f66 6d745f73 7761705f 656e6469 ix_fmt_swap_endi\n- 0x00405598 616e6e65 73730061 765f6672 616d655f anness.av_frame_\n- 0x004055a8 6e65775f 73696465 5f646174 615f6672 new_side_data_fr\n- 0x004055b8 6f6d5f62 75660061 765f6d61 6c6c6f63 om_buf.av_malloc\n- 0x004055c8 7a5f6172 72617900 61765f68 77646576 z_array.av_hwdev\n- 0x004055d8 6963655f 6765745f 74797065 5f6e616d ice_get_type_nam\n- 0x004055e8 65006176 5f627566 6665725f 706f6f6c e.av_buffer_pool\n- 0x004055f8 5f696e69 74006176 5f646963 745f6672 _init.av_dict_fr\n- 0x00405608 65650061 765f6c6f 67325f31 36626974 ee.av_log2_16bit\n- 0x00405618 0061765f 73747265 72726f72 0061765f .av_strerror.av_\n- 0x00405628 6672616d 655f6672 65650061 765f6672 frame_free.av_fr\n- 0x00405638 65657000 61765f62 75666665 725f706f eep.av_buffer_po\n- 0x00405648 6f6c5f75 6e696e69 74006176 5f736861 ol_uninit.av_sha\n- 0x00405658 5f66696e 616c0061 765f6f70 745f6765 _final.av_opt_ge\n- 0x00405668 745f7100 61765f67 65745f70 69785f66 t_q.av_get_pix_f\n- 0x00405678 6d745f6e 616d6500 61765f68 77667261 mt_name.av_hwfra\n- 0x00405688 6d655f67 65745f62 75666665 72006176 me_get_buffer.av\n- 0x00405698 5f737472 64757000 61765f64 32710061 _strdup.av_d2q.a\n- 0x004056a8 765f6672 65650061 765f6877 6672616d v_free.av_hwfram\n- 0x004056b8 655f636f 6e737472 61696e74 735f6672 e_constraints_fr\n- 0x004056c8 65650061 765f6877 6672616d 655f7472 ee.av_hwframe_tr\n- 0x004056d8 616e7366 65725f64 61746100 61765f70 ansfer_data.av_p\n- 0x004056e8 69785f66 6d745f64 6573635f 6765745f ix_fmt_desc_get_\n- 0x004056f8 69640061 765f636f 6e74656e 745f6c69 id.av_content_li\n- 0x00405708 6768745f 6d657461 64617461 5f637265 ght_metadata_cre\n- 0x00405718 6174655f 73696465 5f646174 61006176 ate_side_data.av\n- 0x00405728 5f66696e 645f6e65 61726573 745f715f _find_nearest_q_\n- 0x00405738 69647800 61765f6f 70745f73 65745f64 idx.av_opt_set_d\n- 0x00405748 6f75626c 65006176 5f6d616c 6c6f637a ouble.av_mallocz\n- 0x00405758 0061765f 6469765f 71006176 5f736861 .av_div_q.av_sha\n- 0x00405768 5f696e69 74006176 5f627566 6665725f _init.av_buffer_\n- 0x00405778 63726561 74650061 765f7069 785f666d create.av_pix_fm\n- 0x00405788 745f6465 73635f67 65740061 765f6c6f t_desc_get.av_lo\n- 0x00405798 675f6465 6661756c 745f6361 6c6c6261 g_default_callba\n- 0x004057a8 636b0061 765f6672 616d655f 6765745f ck.av_frame_get_\n- 0x004057b8 73696465 5f646174 61006176 5f687764 side_data.av_hwd\n- 0x004057c8 65766963 655f6765 745f6877 6672616d evice_get_hwfram\n- 0x004057d8 655f636f 6e737472 61696e74 73006176 e_constraints.av\n- 0x004057e8 5f6c7a6f 31785f64 65636f64 65006176 _lzo1x_decode.av\n- 0x004057f8 5f726564 75636500 61765f62 75666665 _reduce.av_buffe\n- 0x00405808 725f7265 66006c69 62617666 6f726d61 r_ref.libavforma\n- 0x00405818 742e736f 2e353800 61765f77 72697465 t.so.58.av_write\n- 0x00405828 5f667261 6d650061 76666f72 6d61745f _frame.avformat_\n- 0x00405838 616c6c6f 635f636f 6e746578 74006176 alloc_context.av\n- 0x00405848 696f5f6f 70656e00 6176696f 5f616c6c io_open.avio_all\n- 0x00405858 6f635f63 6f6e7465 78740061 76666f72 oc_context.avfor\n- 0x00405868 6d61745f 66696e64 5f737472 65616d5f mat_find_stream_\n- 0x00405878 696e666f 00617669 6f5f636c 6f736570 info.avio_closep\n- 0x00405888 0061765f 67756573 735f666f 726d6174 .av_guess_format\n- 0x00405898 0061765f 66696e64 5f696e70 75745f66 .av_find_input_f\n- 0x004058a8 6f726d61 74006176 666f726d 61745f66 ormat.avformat_f\n- 0x004058b8 6c757368 00617666 6f726d61 745f6e65 lush.avformat_ne\n- 0x004058c8 74776f72 6b5f696e 69740061 76696f5f twork_init.avio_\n- 0x004058d8 77726974 65006176 5f70726f 62655f69 write.av_probe_i\n- 0x004058e8 6e707574 5f666f72 6d617432 00617666 nput_format2.avf\n- 0x004058f8 6f726d61 745f6f70 656e5f69 6e707574 ormat_open_input\n- 0x00405908 0061765f 6d757865 725f6974 65726174 .av_muxer_iterat\n- 0x00405918 65006176 666f726d 61745f67 65745f72 e.avformat_get_r\n- 0x00405928 6966665f 61756469 6f5f7461 67730061 iff_audio_tags.a\n- 0x00405938 76666f72 6d61745f 76657273 696f6e00 vformat_version.\n- 0x00405948 6176696f 5f636c6f 73650061 76696f5f avio_close.avio_\n- 0x00405958 6f70656e 32006176 666f726d 61745f77 open2.avformat_w\n- 0x00405968 72697465 5f686561 64657200 6176666f rite_header.avfo\n- 0x00405978 726d6174 5f676574 5f6d6f76 5f766964 rmat_get_mov_vid\n- 0x00405988 656f5f74 61677300 6176666f 726d6174 eo_tags.avformat\n- 0x00405998 5f636c6f 73655f69 6e707574 0061765f _close_input.av_\n- 0x004059a8 64656d75 7865725f 69746572 61746500 demuxer_iterate.\n- 0x004059b8 6176666f 726d6174 5f667265 655f636f avformat_free_co\n- 0x004059c8 6e746578 74006176 5f737472 65616d5f ntext.av_stream_\n- 0x004059d8 6765745f 73696465 5f646174 61006176 get_side_data.av\n- 0x004059e8 5f677565 73735f63 6f646563 00617669 _guess_codec.avi\n- 0x004059f8 6f5f7365 656b0061 76696f5f 666c7573 o_seek.avio_flus\n- 0x00405a08 68006176 696f5f73 65656b5f 74696d65 h.avio_seek_time\n- 0x00405a18 00617669 6f5f7265 61645f70 61727469 .avio_read_parti\n- 0x00405a28 616c0061 76666f72 6d61745f 6765745f al.avformat_get_\n- 0x00405a38 72696666 5f766964 656f5f74 61677300 riff_video_tags.\n- 0x00405a48 61765f72 6561645f 6672616d 65006176 av_read_frame.av\n- 0x00405a58 5f736565 6b5f6672 616d6500 6176666f _seek_frame.avfo\n- 0x00405a68 726d6174 5f6e6577 5f737472 65616d00 rmat_new_stream.\n- 0x00405a78 61765f77 72697465 5f747261 696c6572 av_write_trailer\n- 0x00405a88 0061765f 636f6465 635f6765 745f6964 .av_codec_get_id\n- 0x00405a98 00617669 6f5f7369 7a650061 765f696e .avio_size.av_in\n- 0x00405aa8 7465726c 65617665 645f7772 6974655f terleaved_write_\n- 0x00405ab8 6672616d 65006176 666f726d 61745f67 frame.avformat_g\n- 0x00405ac8 65745f6d 6f765f61 7564696f 5f746167 et_mov_audio_tag\n- 0x00405ad8 73006c69 62737773 63616c65 2e736f2e s.libswscale.so.\n- 0x00405ae8 35007377 735f6765 74446566 61756c74 5.sws_getDefault\n- 0x00405af8 46696c74 65720073 77735f69 6e69745f Filter.sws_init_\n- 0x00405b08 636f6e74 65787400 7377735f 66726565 context.sws_free\n- 0x00405b18 46696c74 65720073 77736361 6c655f76 Filter.swscale_v\n- 0x00405b28 65727369 6f6e0073 77735f69 73537570 ersion.sws_isSup\n- 0x00405b38 706f7274 6564496e 70757400 7377735f portedInput.sws_\n- 0x00405b48 69735375 70706f72 7465644f 75747075 isSupportedOutpu\n- 0x00405b58 74007377 735f7363 616c6500 7377735f t.sws_scale.sws_\n- 0x00405b68 73657443 6f6c6f72 73706163 65446574 setColorspaceDet\n- 0x00405b78 61696c73 00737773 5f676574 436f6566 ails.sws_getCoef\n- 0x00405b88 66696369 656e7473 00737773 5f667265 ficients.sws_fre\n- 0x00405b98 65436f6e 74657874 00737773 5f616c6c eContext.sws_all\n- 0x00405ba8 6f635f63 6f6e7465 7874006c 69626176 oc_context.libav\n- 0x00405bb8 66696c74 65722e73 6f2e3700 61766669 filter.so.7.avfi\n- 0x00405bc8 6c746572 5f696e69 745f7374 72006176 lter_init_str.av\n- 0x00405bd8 5f627566 66657273 72635f61 64645f66 _buffersrc_add_f\n- 0x00405be8 72616d65 00617666 696c7465 725f7665 rame.avfilter_ve\n- 0x00405bf8 7273696f 6e006176 66696c74 65725f70 rsion.avfilter_p\n- 0x00405c08 61645f63 6f756e74 00617666 696c7465 ad_count.avfilte\n- 0x00405c18 725f6772 6170685f 63726561 74655f66 r_graph_create_f\n- 0x00405c28 696c7465 72006176 66696c74 65725f67 ilter.avfilter_g\n- 0x00405c38 72617068 5f616c6c 6f635f66 696c7465 raph_alloc_filte\n- 0x00405c48 72006176 66696c74 65725f67 72617068 r.avfilter_graph\n- 0x00405c58 5f706172 73653200 61765f62 75666665 _parse2.av_buffe\n- 0x00405c68 7273696e 6b5f6765 745f6672 616d655f rsink_get_frame_\n- 0x00405c78 72617465 00617666 696c7465 725f696e rate.avfilter_in\n- 0x00405c88 6f75745f 66726565 0061765f 66696c74 out_free.av_filt\n- 0x00405c98 65725f69 74657261 74650061 765f6275 er_iterate.av_bu\n+ 0x00404858 006c6962 6d2e736f 2e36005f 49544d5f .libm.so.6._ITM_\n+ 0x00404868 64657265 67697374 6572544d 436c6f6e deregisterTMClon\n+ 0x00404878 65546162 6c65005f 5f676d6f 6e5f7374 eTable.__gmon_st\n+ 0x00404888 6172745f 5f005f4a 765f5265 67697374 art__._Jv_Regist\n+ 0x00404898 6572436c 61737365 73005f49 544d5f72 erClasses._ITM_r\n+ 0x004048a8 65676973 74657254 4d436c6f 6e655461 egisterTMCloneTa\n+ 0x004048b8 626c6500 7472756e 63006578 7066006c ble.trunc.expf.l\n+ 0x004048c8 726f756e 64660066 6d617800 65787000 roundf.fmax.exp.\n+ 0x004048d8 6c6c7269 6e740073 696e636f 73006c6f llrint.sincos.lo\n+ 0x004048e8 6700706f 77660073 696e006a 3100706f g.powf.sin.j1.po\n+ 0x004048f8 77006c6f 67313000 6365696c 66007371 w.log10.ceilf.sq\n+ 0x00404908 72740063 65696c00 6c696261 76646576 rt.ceil.libavdev\n+ 0x00404918 6963652e 736f2e35 38006176 64657669 ice.so.58.avdevi\n+ 0x00404928 63655f72 65676973 7465725f 616c6c00 ce_register_all.\n+ 0x00404938 6c696258 31312e73 6f2e3600 58436f6e libX11.so.6.XCon\n+ 0x00404948 66696775 72655769 6e646f77 00585365 figureWindow.XSe\n+ 0x00404958 6e644576 656e7400 58547261 6e736c61 ndEvent.XTransla\n+ 0x00404968 7465436f 6f726469 6e617465 73005846 teCoordinates.XF\n+ 0x00404978 72656543 6f6c6f72 6d617000 584c6f6f reeColormap.XLoo\n+ 0x00404988 6b757053 7472696e 67005852 65736574 kupString.XReset\n+ 0x00404998 53637265 656e5361 76657200 584f7065 ScreenSaver.XOpe\n+ 0x004049a8 6e494d00 5850656e 64696e67 00584672 nIM.XPending.XFr\n+ 0x004049b8 6565436f 6c6f7273 00584669 6c6c5265 eeColors.XFillRe\n+ 0x004049c8 6374616e 676c6500 586b6253 65744465 ctangle.XkbSetDe\n+ 0x004049d8 74656374 61626c65 4175746f 52657065 tectableAutoRepe\n+ 0x004049e8 61740058 46726565 00584d6f 76655265 at.XFree.XMoveRe\n+ 0x004049f8 73697a65 57696e64 6f770058 46726565 sizeWindow.XFree\n+ 0x00404a08 5069786d 61700058 5065656b 4576656e Pixmap.XPeekEven\n+ 0x00404a18 74005853 6574574d 4e6f726d 616c4869 t.XSetWMNormalHi\n+ 0x00404a28 6e747300 58446573 74726f79 49430058 nts.XDestroyIC.X\n+ 0x00404a38 496e6974 54687265 61647300 58437265 InitThreads.XCre\n+ 0x00404a48 61746542 69746d61 7046726f 6d446174 ateBitmapFromDat\n+ 0x00404a58 61005843 72656174 65506978 6d617043 a.XCreatePixmapC\n+ 0x00404a68 7572736f 72005875 74663854 6578744c ursor.Xutf8TextL\n+ 0x00404a78 69737454 6f546578 7450726f 70657274 istToTextPropert\n+ 0x00404a88 79005844 65737472 6f795769 6e646f77 y.XDestroyWindow\n+ 0x00404a98 00584372 65617465 49430058 4f70656e .XCreateIC.XOpen\n+ 0x00404aa8 44697370 6c617900 58536574 574d5072 Display.XSetWMPr\n+ 0x00404ab8 6f746f63 6f6c7300 58556e67 72616250 otocols.XUngrabP\n+ 0x00404ac8 6f696e74 65720058 436c6f73 65494d00 ointer.XCloseIM.\n+ 0x00404ad8 58416c6c 6f635369 7a654869 6e747300 XAllocSizeHints.\n+ 0x00404ae8 58476574 53656c65 6374696f 6e4f776e XGetSelectionOwn\n+ 0x00404af8 65720058 53657445 72726f72 48616e64 er.XSetErrorHand\n+ 0x00404b08 6c657200 584e6578 74457665 6e740058 ler.XNextEvent.X\n+ 0x00404b18 496e7465 726e4174 6f6d0058 4368616e InternAtom.XChan\n+ 0x00404b28 67655072 6f706572 74790058 47657445 geProperty.XGetE\n+ 0x00404b38 72726f72 54657874 00584469 73706c61 rrorText.XDispla\n+ 0x00404b48 794e616d 65005843 72656174 6557696e yName.XCreateWin\n+ 0x00404b58 646f7700 58476574 41746f6d 4e616d65 dow.XGetAtomName\n+ 0x00404b68 00585379 6e630058 53656c65 6374496e .XSync.XSelectIn\n+ 0x00404b78 70757400 58536574 436c6173 7348696e put.XSetClassHin\n+ 0x00404b88 74005847 65744765 6f6d6574 72790058 t.XGetGeometry.X\n+ 0x00404b98 44656669 6e654375 72736f72 0058416c DefineCursor.XAl\n+ 0x00404ba8 6c6f634e 616d6564 436f6c6f 72005843 locNamedColor.XC\n+ 0x00404bb8 72656174 65474300 58556e6d 61705769 reateGC.XUnmapWi\n+ 0x00404bc8 6e646f77 0058466c 75736800 58437265 ndow.XFlush.XCre\n+ 0x00404bd8 61746543 6f6c6f72 6d617000 58476574 ateColormap.XGet\n+ 0x00404be8 57696e64 6f774174 74726962 75746573 WindowAttributes\n+ 0x00404bf8 00585075 74496d61 67650058 4d617463 .XPutImage.XMatc\n+ 0x00404c08 68566973 75616c49 6e666f00 58467265 hVisualInfo.XFre\n+ 0x00404c18 65437572 736f7200 584d6170 57696e64 eCursor.XMapWind\n+ 0x00404c28 6f770058 75746638 4c6f6f6b 75705374 ow.Xutf8LookupSt\n+ 0x00404c38 72696e67 00585365 74546578 7450726f ring.XSetTextPro\n+ 0x00404c48 70657274 79005846 72656547 43005847 perty.XFreeGC.XG\n+ 0x00404c58 65745769 6e646f77 50726f70 65727479 etWindowProperty\n+ 0x00404c68 00585261 69736557 696e646f 77005843 .XRaiseWindow.XC\n+ 0x00404c78 6c6f7365 44697370 6c617900 58437265 loseDisplay.XCre\n+ 0x00404c88 61746549 6d616765 0058436f 6e766572 ateImage.XConver\n+ 0x00404c98 7453656c 65637469 6f6e006c 69625873 tSelection.libXs\n+ 0x00404ca8 732e736f 2e310058 53637265 656e5361 s.so.1.XScreenSa\n+ 0x00404cb8 76657253 75737065 6e640058 53637265 verSuspend.XScre\n+ 0x00404cc8 656e5361 76657251 75657279 45787465 enSaverQueryExte\n+ 0x00404cd8 6e73696f 6e005853 63726565 6e536176 nsion.XScreenSav\n+ 0x00404ce8 65725175 65727956 65727369 6f6e006c erQueryVersion.l\n+ 0x00404cf8 69625865 78742e73 6f2e3600 5853686d ibXext.so.6.XShm\n+ 0x00404d08 51756572 79457874 656e7369 6f6e0044 QueryExtension.D\n+ 0x00404d18 504d5344 69736162 6c650058 53686d47 PMSDisable.XShmG\n+ 0x00404d28 65744576 656e7442 61736500 5853686d etEventBase.XShm\n+ 0x00404d38 50757449 6d616765 00585368 6d446574 PutImage.XShmDet\n+ 0x00404d48 61636800 44504d53 51756572 79457874 ach.DPMSQueryExt\n+ 0x00404d58 656e7369 6f6e0058 53686d41 74746163 ension.XShmAttac\n+ 0x00404d68 68005853 686d4372 65617465 496d6167 h.XShmCreateImag\n+ 0x00404d78 65004450 4d53496e 666f0044 504d5345 e.DPMSInfo.DPMSE\n+ 0x00404d88 6e61626c 65006c69 6258696e 6572616d nable.libXineram\n+ 0x00404d98 612e736f 2e310058 696e6572 616d6151 a.so.1.XineramaQ\n+ 0x00404da8 75657279 53637265 656e7300 58696e65 ueryScreens.Xine\n+ 0x00404db8 72616d61 49734163 74697665 006c6962 ramaIsActive.lib\n+ 0x00404dc8 5872616e 64722e73 6f2e3200 58525247 Xrandr.so.2.XRRG\n+ 0x00404dd8 65744372 7463496e 666f0058 52525175 etCrtcInfo.XRRQu\n+ 0x00404de8 65727945 7874656e 73696f6e 00585252 eryExtension.XRR\n+ 0x00404df8 46726565 4f757470 7574496e 666f0058 FreeOutputInfo.X\n+ 0x00404e08 52524672 65655363 7265656e 5265736f RRFreeScreenReso\n+ 0x00404e18 75726365 73005852 52476574 53637265 urces.XRRGetScre\n+ 0x00404e28 656e5265 736f7572 63657343 75727265 enResourcesCurre\n+ 0x00404e38 6e740058 52524672 65654372 7463496e nt.XRRFreeCrtcIn\n+ 0x00404e48 666f0058 52525365 6c656374 496e7075 fo.XRRSelectInpu\n+ 0x00404e58 74005852 52476574 4f757470 7574496e t.XRRGetOutputIn\n+ 0x00404e68 666f006c 69626176 636f6465 632e736f fo.libavcodec.so\n+ 0x00404e78 2e353800 61765f70 61636b65 745f616c .58.av_packet_al\n+ 0x00404e88 6c6f6300 6176636f 6465635f 73656e64 loc.avcodec_send\n+ 0x00404e98 5f667261 6d650061 76636f64 65635f73 _frame.avcodec_s\n+ 0x00404ea8 656e645f 7061636b 65740061 76636f64 end_packet.avcod\n+ 0x00404eb8 65635f70 6172616d 65746572 735f6672 ec_parameters_fr\n+ 0x00404ec8 65650069 6e666c61 7465456e 64006176 ee.inflateEnd.av\n+ 0x00404ed8 636f6465 635f7072 6f66696c 655f6e61 codec_profile_na\n+ 0x00404ee8 6d650061 76636f64 65635f66 696e645f me.avcodec_find_\n+ 0x00404ef8 656e636f 6465725f 62795f6e 616d6500 encoder_by_name.\n+ 0x00404f08 61765f70 61727365 725f636c 6f736500 av_parser_close.\n+ 0x00404f18 6176636f 6465635f 6f70656e 32006176 avcodec_open2.av\n+ 0x00404f28 5f706163 6b65745f 66726565 00617663 _packet_free.avc\n+ 0x00404f38 6f646563 5f726563 65697665 5f667261 odec_receive_fra\n+ 0x00404f48 6d650061 76636f64 65635f67 65745f68 me.avcodec_get_h\n+ 0x00404f58 775f6672 616d6573 5f706172 616d6574 w_frames_paramet\n+ 0x00404f68 65727300 6176636f 6465635f 76657273 ers.avcodec_vers\n+ 0x00404f78 696f6e00 6176636f 6465635f 66696e64 ion.avcodec_find\n+ 0x00404f88 5f656e63 6f646572 00617663 6f646563 _encoder.avcodec\n+ 0x00404f98 5f676574 5f68775f 636f6e66 69670061 _get_hw_config.a\n+ 0x00404fa8 765f7061 72736572 5f696e69 74006176 v_parser_init.av\n+ 0x00404fb8 636f6465 635f7061 72616d65 74657273 codec_parameters\n+ 0x00404fc8 5f636f70 79006176 636f6465 635f7061 _copy.avcodec_pa\n+ 0x00404fd8 72616d65 74657273 5f746f5f 636f6e74 rameters_to_cont\n+ 0x00404fe8 65787400 6176636f 6465635f 66696e64 ext.avcodec_find\n+ 0x00404ff8 5f646563 6f646572 0061765f 636f6465 _decoder.av_code\n+ 0x00405008 635f6973 5f656e63 6f646572 0061765f c_is_encoder.av_\n+ 0x00405018 636f6465 635f6973 5f646563 6f646572 codec_is_decoder\n+ 0x00405028 0061765f 70617273 65725f70 61727365 .av_parser_parse\n+ 0x00405038 32006176 636f6465 635f636c 6f736500 2.avcodec_close.\n+ 0x00405048 696e666c 61746500 61765f6e 65775f70 inflate.av_new_p\n+ 0x00405058 61636b65 74006176 5f696e69 745f7061 acket.av_init_pa\n+ 0x00405068 636b6574 00617663 6f646563 5f726563 cket.avcodec_rec\n+ 0x00405078 65697665 5f706163 6b657400 61765f70 eive_packet.av_p\n+ 0x00405088 61636b65 745f7265 66006176 636f6465 acket_ref.avcode\n+ 0x00405098 635f6465 73637269 70746f72 5f676574 c_descriptor_get\n+ 0x004050a8 00617663 6f646563 5f646573 63726970 .avcodec_descrip\n+ 0x004050b8 746f725f 6765745f 62795f6e 616d6500 tor_get_by_name.\n+ 0x004050c8 6176636f 6465635f 6465636f 64655f73 avcodec_decode_s\n+ 0x004050d8 75627469 746c6532 00617663 6f646563 ubtitle2.avcodec\n+ 0x004050e8 5f66696e 645f6465 636f6465 725f6279 _find_decoder_by\n+ 0x004050f8 5f6e616d 65006176 636f6465 635f616c _name.avcodec_al\n+ 0x00405108 6c6f635f 636f6e74 65787433 00617663 loc_context3.avc\n+ 0x00405118 6f646563 5f646566 61756c74 5f676574 odec_default_get\n+ 0x00405128 5f627566 66657232 00617663 6f646563 _buffer2.avcodec\n+ 0x00405138 5f706172 616d6574 6572735f 66726f6d _parameters_from\n+ 0x00405148 5f636f6e 74657874 00617663 6f646563 _context.avcodec\n+ 0x00405158 5f666c75 73685f62 75666665 72730061 _flush_buffers.a\n+ 0x00405168 76636f64 65635f70 6172616d 65746572 vcodec_parameter\n+ 0x00405178 735f616c 6c6f6300 6176636f 6465635f s_alloc.avcodec_\n+ 0x00405188 66696e64 5f626573 745f7069 785f666d find_best_pix_fm\n+ 0x00405198 745f6f66 5f6c6973 74006176 636f6465 t_of_list.avcode\n+ 0x004051a8 635f616c 69676e5f 64696d65 6e73696f c_align_dimensio\n+ 0x004051b8 6e733200 61765f70 61636b65 745f6e65 ns2.av_packet_ne\n+ 0x004051c8 775f7369 64655f64 61746100 61767375 w_side_data.avsu\n+ 0x004051d8 62746974 6c655f66 72656500 61765f73 btitle_free.av_s\n+ 0x004051e8 6872696e 6b5f7061 636b6574 0061765f hrink_packet.av_\n+ 0x004051f8 7061636b 65745f63 6c6f6e65 0061765f packet_clone.av_\n+ 0x00405208 7061636b 65745f63 6f70795f 70726f70 packet_copy_prop\n+ 0x00405218 73006176 636f6465 635f6672 65655f63 s.avcodec_free_c\n+ 0x00405228 6f6e7465 78740061 765f7061 636b6574 ontext.av_packet\n+ 0x00405238 5f756e72 65660069 6e666c61 7465496e _unref.inflateIn\n+ 0x00405248 69745f00 61765f67 65745f62 6974735f it_.av_get_bits_\n+ 0x00405258 7065725f 73616d70 6c650061 765f7061 per_sample.av_pa\n+ 0x00405268 636b6574 5f726573 63616c65 5f747300 cket_rescale_ts.\n+ 0x00405278 61765f63 6f646563 5f697465 72617465 av_codec_iterate\n+ 0x00405288 00617663 6f646563 5f656e75 6d5f746f .avcodec_enum_to\n+ 0x00405298 5f636872 6f6d615f 706f7300 6176636f _chroma_pos.avco\n+ 0x004052a8 6465635f 69735f6f 70656e00 6176636f dec_is_open.avco\n+ 0x004052b8 6465635f 64656661 756c745f 6765745f dec_default_get_\n+ 0x004052c8 666f726d 6174006c 69626476 64726561 format.libdvdrea\n+ 0x004052d8 642e736f 2e380044 56444953 4f566f6c d.so.8.DVDISOVol\n+ 0x004052e8 756d6549 6e666f00 69666f43 6c6f7365 umeInfo.ifoClose\n+ 0x004052f8 00445644 55444656 6f6c756d 65496e66 .DVDUDFVolumeInf\n+ 0x00405308 6f004456 44436c6f 73650044 56444f70 o.DVDClose.DVDOp\n+ 0x00405318 656e006e 61765265 61645f44 53490044 en.navRead_DSI.D\n+ 0x00405328 56444f70 656e4669 6c650044 56445265 VDOpenFile.DVDRe\n+ 0x00405338 6164426c 6f636b73 00445644 436c6f73 adBlocks.DVDClos\n+ 0x00405348 6546696c 65006966 6f4f7065 6e006c69 eFile.ifoOpen.li\n+ 0x00405358 6272742e 736f2e31 00636c6f 636b5f67 brt.so.1.clock_g\n+ 0x00405368 65747469 6d65006c 6962646c 2e736f2e ettime.libdl.so.\n+ 0x00405378 3200646c 73796d00 646c6f70 656e0064 2.dlsym.dlopen.d\n+ 0x00405388 6c657272 6f72006c 69626176 7574696c lerror.libavutil\n+ 0x00405398 2e736f2e 35360061 765f6275 66666572 .so.56.av_buffer\n+ 0x004053a8 5f756e72 65660061 765f6877 6672616d _unref.av_hwfram\n+ 0x004053b8 655f6374 785f696e 69740061 765f6d61 e_ctx_init.av_ma\n+ 0x004053c8 6c6c6f63 0061765f 6d64355f 73756d00 lloc.av_md5_sum.\n+ 0x004053d8 61765f66 72616d65 5f636f70 795f7072 av_frame_copy_pr\n+ 0x004053e8 6f707300 61765f66 72616d65 5f756e72 ops.av_frame_unr\n+ 0x004053f8 65660061 765f6f70 745f7365 74006176 ef.av_opt_set.av\n+ 0x00405408 5f6f7074 5f736574 5f696e74 0061765f _opt_set_int.av_\n+ 0x00405418 68776672 616d655f 7472616e 73666572 hwframe_transfer\n+ 0x00405428 5f676574 5f666f72 6d617473 0061765f _get_formats.av_\n+ 0x00405438 72657363 616c655f 71006176 5f6c6f67 rescale_q.av_log\n+ 0x00405448 5f736574 5f63616c 6c626163 6b006176 _set_callback.av\n+ 0x00405458 5f667261 6d655f61 6c6c6f63 0061765f _frame_alloc.av_\n+ 0x00405468 6765745f 7069785f 666d7400 61765f62 get_pix_fmt.av_b\n+ 0x00405478 75666665 725f616c 6c6f6300 61765f64 uffer_alloc.av_d\n+ 0x00405488 6963745f 67657400 61765f73 68615f75 ict_get.av_sha_u\n+ 0x00405498 70646174 65006176 5f6c6667 5f696e69 pdate.av_lfg_ini\n+ 0x004054a8 74006176 5f6c6f67 32006176 5f6f7074 t.av_log2.av_opt\n+ 0x004054b8 5f676574 0061765f 68776465 76696365 _get.av_hwdevice\n+ 0x004054c8 5f637478 5f637265 61746500 61765f66 _ctx_create.av_f\n+ 0x004054d8 72616d65 5f636c6f 6e650061 765f6469 rame_clone.av_di\n+ 0x004054e8 63745f73 65740061 765f7665 7273696f ct_set.av_versio\n+ 0x004054f8 6e5f696e 666f0061 765f6275 66666572 n_info.av_buffer\n+ 0x00405508 5f706f6f 6c5f6765 74006176 5f676574 _pool_get.av_get\n+ 0x00405518 5f706c61 6e61725f 73616d70 6c655f66 _planar_sample_f\n+ 0x00405528 6d740061 76757469 6c5f7665 7273696f mt.avutil_versio\n+ 0x00405538 6e006176 5f637075 5f636f75 6e740061 n.av_cpu_count.a\n+ 0x00405548 765f6672 616d655f 72656600 61765f68 v_frame_ref.av_h\n+ 0x00405558 77667261 6d655f63 74785f61 6c6c6f63 wframe_ctx_alloc\n+ 0x00405568 0061765f 7368615f 616c6c6f 63006176 .av_sha_alloc.av\n+ 0x00405578 5f646973 706c6179 5f726f74 6174696f _display_rotatio\n+ 0x00405588 6e5f6765 74006176 5f667261 6d655f6d n_get.av_frame_m\n+ 0x00405598 616b655f 77726974 61626c65 0061765f ake_writable.av_\n+ 0x004055a8 6f70745f 6e657874 0061765f 62756666 opt_next.av_buff\n+ 0x004055b8 65725f69 735f7772 69746162 6c650061 er_is_writable.a\n+ 0x004055c8 765f7069 785f666d 745f7377 61705f65 v_pix_fmt_swap_e\n+ 0x004055d8 6e646961 6e6e6573 73006176 5f667261 ndianness.av_fra\n+ 0x004055e8 6d655f6e 65775f73 6964655f 64617461 me_new_side_data\n+ 0x004055f8 5f66726f 6d5f6275 66006176 5f6d616c _from_buf.av_mal\n+ 0x00405608 6c6f637a 5f617272 61790061 765f6877 locz_array.av_hw\n+ 0x00405618 64657669 63655f67 65745f74 7970655f device_get_type_\n+ 0x00405628 6e616d65 0061765f 62756666 65725f70 name.av_buffer_p\n+ 0x00405638 6f6f6c5f 696e6974 0061765f 64696374 ool_init.av_dict\n+ 0x00405648 5f667265 65006176 5f6c6f67 325f3136 _free.av_log2_16\n+ 0x00405658 62697400 61765f73 74726572 726f7200 bit.av_strerror.\n+ 0x00405668 61765f66 72616d65 5f667265 65006176 av_frame_free.av\n+ 0x00405678 5f667265 65700061 765f6275 66666572 _freep.av_buffer\n+ 0x00405688 5f706f6f 6c5f756e 696e6974 0061765f _pool_uninit.av_\n+ 0x00405698 7368615f 66696e61 6c006176 5f6f7074 sha_final.av_opt\n+ 0x004056a8 5f676574 5f710061 765f6765 745f7069 _get_q.av_get_pi\n+ 0x004056b8 785f666d 745f6e61 6d650061 765f6877 x_fmt_name.av_hw\n+ 0x004056c8 6672616d 655f6765 745f6275 66666572 frame_get_buffer\n+ 0x004056d8 0061765f 73747264 75700061 765f6432 .av_strdup.av_d2\n+ 0x004056e8 71006176 5f667265 65006176 5f687766 q.av_free.av_hwf\n+ 0x004056f8 72616d65 5f636f6e 73747261 696e7473 rame_constraints\n+ 0x00405708 5f667265 65006176 5f687766 72616d65 _free.av_hwframe\n+ 0x00405718 5f747261 6e736665 725f6461 74610061 _transfer_data.a\n+ 0x00405728 765f7069 785f666d 745f6465 73635f67 v_pix_fmt_desc_g\n+ 0x00405738 65745f69 64006176 5f636f6e 74656e74 et_id.av_content\n+ 0x00405748 5f6c6967 68745f6d 65746164 6174615f _light_metadata_\n+ 0x00405758 63726561 74655f73 6964655f 64617461 create_side_data\n+ 0x00405768 0061765f 66696e64 5f6e6561 72657374 .av_find_nearest\n+ 0x00405778 5f715f69 64780061 765f6f70 745f7365 _q_idx.av_opt_se\n+ 0x00405788 745f646f 75626c65 0061765f 6d616c6c t_double.av_mall\n+ 0x00405798 6f637a00 61765f64 69765f71 0061765f ocz.av_div_q.av_\n+ 0x004057a8 7368615f 696e6974 0061765f 62756666 sha_init.av_buff\n+ 0x004057b8 65725f63 72656174 65006176 5f706978 er_create.av_pix\n+ 0x004057c8 5f666d74 5f646573 635f6765 74006176 _fmt_desc_get.av\n+ 0x004057d8 5f6c6f67 5f646566 61756c74 5f63616c _log_default_cal\n+ 0x004057e8 6c626163 6b006176 5f667261 6d655f67 lback.av_frame_g\n+ 0x004057f8 65745f73 6964655f 64617461 0061765f et_side_data.av_\n+ 0x00405808 68776465 76696365 5f676574 5f687766 hwdevice_get_hwf\n+ 0x00405818 72616d65 5f636f6e 73747261 696e7473 rame_constraints\n+ 0x00405828 0061765f 6c7a6f31 785f6465 636f6465 .av_lzo1x_decode\n+ 0x00405838 0061765f 72656475 63650061 765f6275 .av_reduce.av_bu\n+ 0x00405848 66666572 5f726566 006c6962 6176666f ffer_ref.libavfo\n+ 0x00405858 726d6174 2e736f2e 35380061 765f7772 rmat.so.58.av_wr\n+ 0x00405868 6974655f 6672616d 65006176 666f726d ite_frame.avform\n+ 0x00405878 61745f61 6c6c6f63 5f636f6e 74657874 at_alloc_context\n+ 0x00405888 00617669 6f5f6f70 656e0061 76696f5f .avio_open.avio_\n+ 0x00405898 616c6c6f 635f636f 6e746578 74006176 alloc_context.av\n+ 0x004058a8 666f726d 61745f66 696e645f 73747265 format_find_stre\n+ 0x004058b8 616d5f69 6e666f00 6176696f 5f636c6f am_info.avio_clo\n+ 0x004058c8 73657000 61765f67 75657373 5f666f72 sep.av_guess_for\n+ 0x004058d8 6d617400 61765f66 696e645f 696e7075 mat.av_find_inpu\n+ 0x004058e8 745f666f 726d6174 00617666 6f726d61 t_format.avforma\n+ 0x004058f8 745f666c 75736800 6176666f 726d6174 t_flush.avformat\n+ 0x00405908 5f6e6574 776f726b 5f696e69 74006176 _network_init.av\n+ 0x00405918 696f5f77 72697465 0061765f 70726f62 io_write.av_prob\n+ 0x00405928 655f696e 7075745f 666f726d 61743200 e_input_format2.\n+ 0x00405938 6176666f 726d6174 5f6f7065 6e5f696e avformat_open_in\n+ 0x00405948 70757400 61765f6d 75786572 5f697465 put.av_muxer_ite\n+ 0x00405958 72617465 00617666 6f726d61 745f6765 rate.avformat_ge\n+ 0x00405968 745f7269 66665f61 7564696f 5f746167 t_riff_audio_tag\n+ 0x00405978 73006176 666f726d 61745f76 65727369 s.avformat_versi\n+ 0x00405988 6f6e0061 76696f5f 636c6f73 65006176 on.avio_close.av\n+ 0x00405998 696f5f6f 70656e32 00617666 6f726d61 io_open2.avforma\n+ 0x004059a8 745f7772 6974655f 68656164 65720061 t_write_header.a\n+ 0x004059b8 76666f72 6d61745f 6765745f 6d6f765f vformat_get_mov_\n+ 0x004059c8 76696465 6f5f7461 67730061 76666f72 video_tags.avfor\n+ 0x004059d8 6d61745f 636c6f73 655f696e 70757400 mat_close_input.\n+ 0x004059e8 61765f64 656d7578 65725f69 74657261 av_demuxer_itera\n+ 0x004059f8 74650061 76666f72 6d61745f 66726565 te.avformat_free\n+ 0x00405a08 5f636f6e 74657874 0061765f 73747265 _context.av_stre\n+ 0x00405a18 616d5f67 65745f73 6964655f 64617461 am_get_side_data\n+ 0x00405a28 0061765f 67756573 735f636f 64656300 .av_guess_codec.\n+ 0x00405a38 6176696f 5f736565 6b006176 696f5f66 avio_seek.avio_f\n+ 0x00405a48 6c757368 00617669 6f5f7365 656b5f74 lush.avio_seek_t\n+ 0x00405a58 696d6500 6176696f 5f726561 645f7061 ime.avio_read_pa\n+ 0x00405a68 72746961 6c006176 666f726d 61745f67 rtial.avformat_g\n+ 0x00405a78 65745f72 6966665f 76696465 6f5f7461 et_riff_video_ta\n+ 0x00405a88 67730061 765f7265 61645f66 72616d65 gs.av_read_frame\n+ 0x00405a98 0061765f 7365656b 5f667261 6d650061 .av_seek_frame.a\n+ 0x00405aa8 76666f72 6d61745f 6e65775f 73747265 vformat_new_stre\n+ 0x00405ab8 616d0061 765f7772 6974655f 74726169 am.av_write_trai\n+ 0x00405ac8 6c657200 61765f63 6f646563 5f676574 ler.av_codec_get\n+ 0x00405ad8 5f696400 6176696f 5f73697a 65006176 _id.avio_size.av\n+ 0x00405ae8 5f696e74 65726c65 61766564 5f777269 _interleaved_wri\n+ 0x00405af8 74655f66 72616d65 00617666 6f726d61 te_frame.avforma\n+ 0x00405b08 745f6765 745f6d6f 765f6175 64696f5f t_get_mov_audio_\n+ 0x00405b18 74616773 006c6962 73777363 616c652e tags.libswscale.\n+ 0x00405b28 736f2e35 00737773 5f676574 44656661 so.5.sws_getDefa\n+ 0x00405b38 756c7446 696c7465 72007377 735f696e ultFilter.sws_in\n+ 0x00405b48 69745f63 6f6e7465 78740073 77735f66 it_context.sws_f\n+ 0x00405b58 72656546 696c7465 72007377 7363616c reeFilter.swscal\n+ 0x00405b68 655f7665 7273696f 6e007377 735f6973 e_version.sws_is\n+ 0x00405b78 53757070 6f727465 64496e70 75740073 SupportedInput.s\n+ 0x00405b88 77735f69 73537570 706f7274 65644f75 ws_isSupportedOu\n+ 0x00405b98 74707574 00737773 5f736361 6c650073 tput.sws_scale.s\n+ 0x00405ba8 77735f73 6574436f 6c6f7273 70616365 ws_setColorspace\n+ 0x00405bb8 44657461 696c7300 7377735f 67657443 Details.sws_getC\n+ 0x00405bc8 6f656666 69636965 6e747300 7377735f oefficients.sws_\n+ 0x00405bd8 66726565 436f6e74 65787400 7377735f freeContext.sws_\n+ 0x00405be8 616c6c6f 635f636f 6e746578 74006c69 alloc_context.li\n+ 0x00405bf8 62617666 696c7465 722e736f 2e370061 bavfilter.so.7.a\n+ 0x00405c08 7666696c 7465725f 696e6974 5f737472 vfilter_init_str\n+ 0x00405c18 0061765f 62756666 65727372 635f6164 .av_buffersrc_ad\n+ 0x00405c28 645f6672 616d6500 61766669 6c746572 d_frame.avfilter\n+ 0x00405c38 5f766572 73696f6e 00617666 696c7465 _version.avfilte\n+ 0x00405c48 725f7061 645f636f 756e7400 61766669 r_pad_count.avfi\n+ 0x00405c58 6c746572 5f677261 70685f63 72656174 lter_graph_creat\n+ 0x00405c68 655f6669 6c746572 00617666 696c7465 e_filter.avfilte\n+ 0x00405c78 725f6772 6170685f 616c6c6f 635f6669 r_graph_alloc_fi\n+ 0x00405c88 6c746572 00617666 696c7465 725f6772 lter.avfilter_gr\n+ 0x00405c98 6170685f 70617273 65320061 765f6275 aph_parse2.av_bu\n 0x00405ca8 66666572 73696e6b 5f676574 5f667261 ffersink_get_fra\n- 0x00405cb8 6d655f66 6c616773 0061765f 62756666 me_flags.av_buff\n- 0x00405cc8 65727372 635f7061 72616d65 74657273 ersrc_parameters\n- 0x00405cd8 5f736574 00617666 696c7465 725f6765 _set.avfilter_ge\n- 0x00405ce8 745f6279 5f6e616d 65006176 66696c74 t_by_name.avfilt\n- 0x00405cf8 65725f67 72617068 5f616c6c 6f630061 er_graph_alloc.a\n- 0x00405d08 7666696c 7465725f 6c696e6b 00617666 vfilter_link.avf\n- 0x00405d18 696c7465 725f6772 6170685f 64756d70 ilter_graph_dump\n- 0x00405d28 0061765f 62756666 65727372 635f6765 .av_buffersrc_ge\n- 0x00405d38 745f6e62 5f666169 6c65645f 72657175 t_nb_failed_requ\n- 0x00405d48 65737473 0061765f 62756666 65727372 ests.av_buffersr\n- 0x00405d58 635f7061 72616d65 74657273 5f616c6c c_parameters_all\n- 0x00405d68 6f630061 7666696c 7465725f 67726170 oc.avfilter_grap\n- 0x00405d78 685f6672 65650061 7666696c 7465725f h_free.avfilter_\n- 0x00405d88 67726170 685f636f 6e666967 00617666 graph_config.avf\n- 0x00405d98 696c7465 725f7061 645f6765 745f7479 ilter_pad_get_ty\n- 0x00405da8 70650061 7666696c 7465725f 67726170 pe.avfilter_grap\n- 0x00405db8 685f7365 6e645f63 6f6d6d61 6e640061 h_send_command.a\n- 0x00405dc8 7666696c 7465725f 7061645f 6765745f vfilter_pad_get_\n- 0x00405dd8 6e616d65 006c6962 73777265 73616d70 name.libswresamp\n- 0x00405de8 6c652e73 6f2e3300 7377725f 6765745f le.so.3.swr_get_\n- 0x00405df8 64656c61 79007377 725f616c 6c6f6300 delay.swr_alloc.\n- 0x00405e08 73777265 73616d70 6c655f76 65727369 swresample_versi\n- 0x00405e18 6f6e0073 77725f63 6f6e7665 72740073 on.swr_convert.s\n- 0x00405e28 77725f73 65745f63 68616e6e 656c5f6d wr_set_channel_m\n- 0x00405e38 61707069 6e670073 77725f66 72656500 apping.swr_free.\n- 0x00405e48 7377725f 636c6f73 65007377 725f696e swr_close.swr_in\n- 0x00405e58 69740073 77725f73 65745f63 6f6d7065 it.swr_set_compe\n- 0x00405e68 6e736174 696f6e00 7377725f 6765745f nsation.swr_get_\n- 0x00405e78 6f75745f 73616d70 6c657300 6c696258 out_samples.libX\n- 0x00405e88 31312e73 6f2e3600 58436f6e 66696775 11.so.6.XConfigu\n- 0x00405e98 72655769 6e646f77 00585365 6e644576 reWindow.XSendEv\n- 0x00405ea8 656e7400 58547261 6e736c61 7465436f ent.XTranslateCo\n- 0x00405eb8 6f726469 6e617465 73005846 72656543 ordinates.XFreeC\n- 0x00405ec8 6f6c6f72 6d617000 584c6f6f 6b757053 olormap.XLookupS\n- 0x00405ed8 7472696e 67005852 65736574 53637265 tring.XResetScre\n- 0x00405ee8 656e5361 76657200 584f7065 6e494d00 enSaver.XOpenIM.\n- 0x00405ef8 5850656e 64696e67 00584672 6565436f XPending.XFreeCo\n- 0x00405f08 6c6f7273 00584669 6c6c5265 6374616e lors.XFillRectan\n- 0x00405f18 676c6500 586b6253 65744465 74656374 gle.XkbSetDetect\n- 0x00405f28 61626c65 4175746f 52657065 61740058 ableAutoRepeat.X\n- 0x00405f38 46726565 00584d6f 76655265 73697a65 Free.XMoveResize\n- 0x00405f48 57696e64 6f770058 46726565 5069786d Window.XFreePixm\n- 0x00405f58 61700058 5065656b 4576656e 74005853 ap.XPeekEvent.XS\n- 0x00405f68 6574574d 4e6f726d 616c4869 6e747300 etWMNormalHints.\n- 0x00405f78 58446573 74726f79 49430058 496e6974 XDestroyIC.XInit\n- 0x00405f88 54687265 61647300 58437265 61746542 Threads.XCreateB\n- 0x00405f98 69746d61 7046726f 6d446174 61005843 itmapFromData.XC\n- 0x00405fa8 72656174 65506978 6d617043 7572736f reatePixmapCurso\n- 0x00405fb8 72005875 74663854 6578744c 69737454 r.Xutf8TextListT\n- 0x00405fc8 6f546578 7450726f 70657274 79005844 oTextProperty.XD\n- 0x00405fd8 65737472 6f795769 6e646f77 00584372 estroyWindow.XCr\n- 0x00405fe8 65617465 49430058 4f70656e 44697370 eateIC.XOpenDisp\n- 0x00405ff8 6c617900 58536574 574d5072 6f746f63 lay.XSetWMProtoc\n- 0x00406008 6f6c7300 58556e67 72616250 6f696e74 ols.XUngrabPoint\n- 0x00406018 65720058 436c6f73 65494d00 58416c6c er.XCloseIM.XAll\n- 0x00406028 6f635369 7a654869 6e747300 58476574 ocSizeHints.XGet\n- 0x00406038 53656c65 6374696f 6e4f776e 65720058 SelectionOwner.X\n- 0x00406048 53657445 72726f72 48616e64 6c657200 SetErrorHandler.\n- 0x00406058 584e6578 74457665 6e740058 496e7465 XNextEvent.XInte\n- 0x00406068 726e4174 6f6d0058 4368616e 67655072 rnAtom.XChangePr\n- 0x00406078 6f706572 74790058 47657445 72726f72 operty.XGetError\n- 0x00406088 54657874 00584469 73706c61 794e616d Text.XDisplayNam\n- 0x00406098 65005843 72656174 6557696e 646f7700 e.XCreateWindow.\n- 0x004060a8 58476574 41746f6d 4e616d65 00585379 XGetAtomName.XSy\n- 0x004060b8 6e630058 53656c65 6374496e 70757400 nc.XSelectInput.\n- 0x004060c8 58536574 436c6173 7348696e 74005847 XSetClassHint.XG\n- 0x004060d8 65744765 6f6d6574 72790058 44656669 etGeometry.XDefi\n- 0x004060e8 6e654375 72736f72 0058416c 6c6f634e neCursor.XAllocN\n- 0x004060f8 616d6564 436f6c6f 72005843 72656174 amedColor.XCreat\n- 0x00406108 65474300 58556e6d 61705769 6e646f77 eGC.XUnmapWindow\n- 0x00406118 0058466c 75736800 58437265 61746543 .XFlush.XCreateC\n- 0x00406128 6f6c6f72 6d617000 58476574 57696e64 olormap.XGetWind\n- 0x00406138 6f774174 74726962 75746573 00585075 owAttributes.XPu\n- 0x00406148 74496d61 67650058 4d617463 68566973 tImage.XMatchVis\n- 0x00406158 75616c49 6e666f00 58467265 65437572 ualInfo.XFreeCur\n- 0x00406168 736f7200 584d6170 57696e64 6f770058 sor.XMapWindow.X\n- 0x00406178 75746638 4c6f6f6b 75705374 72696e67 utf8LookupString\n- 0x00406188 00585365 74546578 7450726f 70657274 .XSetTextPropert\n- 0x00406198 79005846 72656547 43005847 65745769 y.XFreeGC.XGetWi\n- 0x004061a8 6e646f77 50726f70 65727479 00585261 ndowProperty.XRa\n- 0x004061b8 69736557 696e646f 77005843 6c6f7365 iseWindow.XClose\n- 0x004061c8 44697370 6c617900 58437265 61746549 Display.XCreateI\n- 0x004061d8 6d616765 0058436f 6e766572 7453656c mage.XConvertSel\n- 0x004061e8 65637469 6f6e006c 69625873 732e736f ection.libXss.so\n- 0x004061f8 2e310058 53637265 656e5361 76657253 .1.XScreenSaverS\n- 0x00406208 75737065 6e640058 53637265 656e5361 uspend.XScreenSa\n- 0x00406218 76657251 75657279 45787465 6e73696f verQueryExtensio\n- 0x00406228 6e005853 63726565 6e536176 65725175 n.XScreenSaverQu\n- 0x00406238 65727956 65727369 6f6e006c 69625865 eryVersion.libXe\n- 0x00406248 78742e73 6f2e3600 5853686d 51756572 xt.so.6.XShmQuer\n- 0x00406258 79457874 656e7369 6f6e0044 504d5344 yExtension.DPMSD\n- 0x00406268 69736162 6c650058 53686d47 65744576 isable.XShmGetEv\n- 0x00406278 656e7442 61736500 5853686d 50757449 entBase.XShmPutI\n- 0x00406288 6d616765 00585368 6d446574 61636800 mage.XShmDetach.\n- 0x00406298 44504d53 51756572 79457874 656e7369 DPMSQueryExtensi\n- 0x004062a8 6f6e0058 53686d41 74746163 68005853 on.XShmAttach.XS\n- 0x004062b8 686d4372 65617465 496d6167 65004450 hmCreateImage.DP\n- 0x004062c8 4d53496e 666f0044 504d5345 6e61626c MSInfo.DPMSEnabl\n- 0x004062d8 65006c69 6258696e 6572616d 612e736f e.libXinerama.so\n- 0x004062e8 2e310058 696e6572 616d6151 75657279 .1.XineramaQuery\n- 0x004062f8 53637265 656e7300 58696e65 72616d61 Screens.Xinerama\n- 0x00406308 49734163 74697665 006c6962 5872616e IsActive.libXran\n- 0x00406318 64722e73 6f2e3200 58525247 65744372 dr.so.2.XRRGetCr\n- 0x00406328 7463496e 666f0058 52525175 65727945 tcInfo.XRRQueryE\n- 0x00406338 7874656e 73696f6e 00585252 46726565 xtension.XRRFree\n- 0x00406348 4f757470 7574496e 666f0058 52524672 OutputInfo.XRRFr\n- 0x00406358 65655363 7265656e 5265736f 75726365 eeScreenResource\n- 0x00406368 73005852 52476574 53637265 656e5265 s.XRRGetScreenRe\n- 0x00406378 736f7572 63657343 75727265 6e740058 sourcesCurrent.X\n- 0x00406388 52524672 65654372 7463496e 666f0058 RRFreeCrtcInfo.X\n- 0x00406398 52525365 6c656374 496e7075 74005852 RRSelectInput.XR\n- 0x004063a8 52476574 4f757470 7574496e 666f006c RGetOutputInfo.l\n- 0x004063b8 6962646c 2e736f2e 3200646c 73796d00 ibdl.so.2.dlsym.\n- 0x004063c8 646c6f70 656e0064 6c657272 6f72006c dlopen.dlerror.l\n+ 0x00405cb8 6d655f72 61746500 61766669 6c746572 me_rate.avfilter\n+ 0x00405cc8 5f696e6f 75745f66 72656500 61765f66 _inout_free.av_f\n+ 0x00405cd8 696c7465 725f6974 65726174 65006176 ilter_iterate.av\n+ 0x00405ce8 5f627566 66657273 696e6b5f 6765745f _buffersink_get_\n+ 0x00405cf8 6672616d 655f666c 61677300 61765f62 frame_flags.av_b\n+ 0x00405d08 75666665 72737263 5f706172 616d6574 uffersrc_paramet\n+ 0x00405d18 6572735f 73657400 61766669 6c746572 ers_set.avfilter\n+ 0x00405d28 5f676574 5f62795f 6e616d65 00617666 _get_by_name.avf\n+ 0x00405d38 696c7465 725f6772 6170685f 616c6c6f ilter_graph_allo\n+ 0x00405d48 63006176 66696c74 65725f6c 696e6b00 c.avfilter_link.\n+ 0x00405d58 61766669 6c746572 5f677261 70685f64 avfilter_graph_d\n+ 0x00405d68 756d7000 61765f62 75666665 72737263 ump.av_buffersrc\n+ 0x00405d78 5f676574 5f6e625f 6661696c 65645f72 _get_nb_failed_r\n+ 0x00405d88 65717565 73747300 61765f62 75666665 equests.av_buffe\n+ 0x00405d98 72737263 5f706172 616d6574 6572735f rsrc_parameters_\n+ 0x00405da8 616c6c6f 63006176 66696c74 65725f67 alloc.avfilter_g\n+ 0x00405db8 72617068 5f667265 65006176 66696c74 raph_free.avfilt\n+ 0x00405dc8 65725f67 72617068 5f636f6e 66696700 er_graph_config.\n+ 0x00405dd8 61766669 6c746572 5f706164 5f676574 avfilter_pad_get\n+ 0x00405de8 5f747970 65006176 66696c74 65725f67 _type.avfilter_g\n+ 0x00405df8 72617068 5f73656e 645f636f 6d6d616e raph_send_comman\n+ 0x00405e08 64006176 66696c74 65725f70 61645f67 d.avfilter_pad_g\n+ 0x00405e18 65745f6e 616d6500 6c696273 77726573 et_name.libswres\n+ 0x00405e28 616d706c 652e736f 2e330073 77725f67 ample.so.3.swr_g\n+ 0x00405e38 65745f64 656c6179 00737772 5f616c6c et_delay.swr_all\n+ 0x00405e48 6f630073 77726573 616d706c 655f7665 oc.swresample_ve\n+ 0x00405e58 7273696f 6e007377 725f636f 6e766572 rsion.swr_conver\n+ 0x00405e68 74007377 725f7365 745f6368 616e6e65 t.swr_set_channe\n+ 0x00405e78 6c5f6d61 7070696e 67007377 725f6672 l_mapping.swr_fr\n+ 0x00405e88 65650073 77725f63 6c6f7365 00737772 ee.swr_close.swr\n+ 0x00405e98 5f696e69 74007377 725f7365 745f636f _init.swr_set_co\n+ 0x00405ea8 6d70656e 73617469 6f6e0073 77725f67 mpensation.swr_g\n+ 0x00405eb8 65745f6f 75745f73 616d706c 6573006c et_out_samples.l\n+ 0x00405ec8 69626a70 65672e73 6f2e3800 6a706567 ibjpeg.so.8.jpeg\n+ 0x00405ed8 5f736574 5f646566 61756c74 73006a70 _set_defaults.jp\n+ 0x00405ee8 65675f73 74617274 5f636f6d 70726573 eg_start_compres\n+ 0x00405ef8 73006a70 65675f43 72656174 65436f6d s.jpeg_CreateCom\n+ 0x00405f08 70726573 73006a70 65675f73 74645f65 press.jpeg_std_e\n+ 0x00405f18 72726f72 006a7065 675f7365 745f7175 rror.jpeg_set_qu\n+ 0x00405f28 616c6974 79006a70 65675f73 7464696f ality.jpeg_stdio\n+ 0x00405f38 5f646573 74006a70 65675f77 72697465 _dest.jpeg_write\n+ 0x00405f48 5f736361 6e6c696e 6573006a 7065675f _scanlines.jpeg_\n+ 0x00405f58 66696e69 73685f63 6f6d7072 65737300 finish_compress.\n+ 0x00405f68 6a706567 5f646573 74726f79 5f636f6d jpeg_destroy_com\n+ 0x00405f78 70726573 73006c69 62647664 6e61762e press.libdvdnav.\n+ 0x00405f88 736f2e34 00647664 6e61765f 6765745f so.4.dvdnav_get_\n+ 0x00405f98 6e756d62 65725f6f 665f7469 746c6573 number_of_titles\n+ 0x00405fa8 00647664 6e61765f 7374696c 6c5f736b .dvdnav_still_sk\n+ 0x00405fb8 69700064 76646e61 765f636c 6f736500 ip.dvdnav_close.\n+ 0x00405fc8 6476646e 61765f67 65745f73 70755f6c dvdnav_get_spu_l\n+ 0x00405fd8 6f676963 616c5f73 74726561 6d006476 ogical_stream.dv\n+ 0x00405fe8 646e6176 5f676574 5f746974 6c655f73 dnav_get_title_s\n+ 0x00405ff8 7472696e 67006476 646e6176 5f6f7065 tring.dvdnav_ope\n+ 0x00406008 6e006476 646e6176 5f676574 5f637572 n.dvdnav_get_cur\n+ 0x00406018 72656e74 5f6e6176 5f706369 00647664 rent_nav_pci.dvd\n+ 0x00406028 6e61765f 6765745f 6e657874 5f626c6f nav_get_next_blo\n+ 0x00406038 636b0064 76646e61 765f7365 745f7265 ck.dvdnav_set_re\n+ 0x00406048 61646168 6561645f 666c6167 00647664 adahead_flag.dvd\n+ 0x00406058 6e61765f 6765745f 706f7369 74696f6e nav_get_position\n+ 0x00406068 00647664 6e61765f 7370755f 73747265 .dvdnav_spu_stre\n+ 0x00406078 616d5f74 6f5f6c61 6e670064 76646e61 am_to_lang.dvdna\n+ 0x00406088 765f6175 64696f5f 73747265 616d5f74 v_audio_stream_t\n+ 0x00406098 6f5f6c61 6e670064 76646e61 765f6765 o_lang.dvdnav_ge\n+ 0x004060a8 745f6175 64696f5f 6c6f6769 63616c5f t_audio_logical_\n+ 0x004060b8 73747265 616d0064 76646e61 765f7365 stream.dvdnav_se\n+ 0x004060c8 745f5047 435f706f 73697469 6f6e696e t_PGC_positionin\n+ 0x004060d8 675f666c 61670064 76646e61 765f6765 g_flag.dvdnav_ge\n+ 0x004060e8 745f6e75 6d626572 5f6f665f 70617274 t_number_of_part\n+ 0x004060f8 73006476 646e6176 5f676574 5f637572 s.dvdnav_get_cur\n+ 0x00406108 72656e74 5f74696d 65006476 646e6176 rent_time.dvdnav\n+ 0x00406118 5f637572 72656e74 5f746974 6c655f69 _current_title_i\n+ 0x00406128 6e666f00 6476646e 61765f74 696d655f nfo.dvdnav_time_\n+ 0x00406138 73656172 63680064 76646e61 765f7469 search.dvdnav_ti\n+ 0x00406148 746c655f 706c6179 00647664 6e61765f tle_play.dvdnav_\n+ 0x00406158 64657363 72696265 5f746974 6c655f63 describe_title_c\n+ 0x00406168 68617074 65727300 6476646e 61765f67 hapters.dvdnav_g\n+ 0x00406178 65745f76 6964656f 5f617370 65637400 et_video_aspect.\n+ 0x00406188 6476646e 61765f61 6e676c65 5f636861 dvdnav_angle_cha\n+ 0x00406198 6e676500 6476646e 61765f65 72725f74 nge.dvdnav_err_t\n+ 0x004061a8 6f5f7374 72696e67 00647664 6e61765f o_string.dvdnav_\n+ 0x004061b8 77616974 5f736b69 70006476 646e6176 wait_skip.dvdnav\n+ 0x004061c8 5f676574 5f616e67 6c655f69 6e666f00 _get_angle_info.\n+ 0x004061d8 6c696270 74687265 61642e73 6f2e3000 libpthread.so.0.\n+ 0x004061e8 70746872 6561645f 7365746e 616d655f pthread_setname_\n+ 0x004061f8 6e700070 74687265 61645f63 6f6e645f np.pthread_cond_\n+ 0x00406208 696e6974 00707468 72656164 5f6d7574 init.pthread_mut\n+ 0x00406218 65785f64 65737472 6f790073 656e6400 ex_destroy.send.\n+ 0x00406228 70746872 6561645f 73656c66 00707468 pthread_self.pth\n+ 0x00406238 72656164 5f6d7574 65785f69 6e697400 read_mutex_init.\n+ 0x00406248 70746872 6561645f 636f6e64 5f776169 pthread_cond_wai\n+ 0x00406258 74007074 68726561 645f636f 6e645f64 t.pthread_cond_d\n+ 0x00406268 65737472 6f790070 74687265 61645f6d estroy.pthread_m\n+ 0x00406278 75746578 61747472 5f736574 74797065 utexattr_settype\n+ 0x00406288 005f5f65 72726e6f 5f6c6f63 6174696f .__errno_locatio\n+ 0x00406298 6e007074 68726561 645f6f6e 63650072 n.pthread_once.r\n+ 0x004062a8 61697365 0073656d 5f706f73 74007074 aise.sem_post.pt\n+ 0x004062b8 68726561 645f6d75 7465785f 6c6f636b hread_mutex_lock\n+ 0x004062c8 00707468 72656164 5f6d7574 65786174 .pthread_mutexat\n+ 0x004062d8 74725f69 6e697400 70746872 6561645f tr_init.pthread_\n+ 0x004062e8 636f6e64 5f736967 6e616c00 70746872 cond_signal.pthr\n+ 0x004062f8 6561645f 636f6e64 5f74696d 65647761 ead_cond_timedwa\n+ 0x00406308 69740061 63636570 74006c73 65656b36 it.accept.lseek6\n+ 0x00406318 34007365 6d5f6465 7374726f 79006663 4.sem_destroy.fc\n+ 0x00406328 6e746c00 70746872 6561645f 63726561 ntl.pthread_crea\n+ 0x00406338 74650070 74687265 61645f6a 6f696e00 te.pthread_join.\n+ 0x00406348 73696761 6374696f 6e007074 68726561 sigaction.pthrea\n+ 0x00406358 645f6d75 74657861 7474725f 64657374 d_mutexattr_dest\n+ 0x00406368 726f7900 73656d5f 696e6974 00707468 roy.sem_init.pth\n+ 0x00406378 72656164 5f636f6e 645f6272 6f616463 read_cond_broadc\n+ 0x00406388 61737400 70746872 6561645f 64657461 ast.pthread_deta\n+ 0x00406398 63680073 656d5f74 72797761 69740073 ch.sem_trywait.s\n+ 0x004063a8 656d5f77 61697400 70746872 6561645f em_wait.pthread_\n+ 0x004063b8 6d757465 785f756e 6c6f636b 006e616e mutex_unlock.nan\n+ 0x004063c8 6f736c65 65700077 61697470 6964006c osleep.waitpid.l\n 0x004063d8 69627a2e 736f2e31 006c6962 632e736f ibz.so.1.libc.so\n 0x004063e8 2e360073 6f636b65 7400676c 6f626672 .6.socket.globfr\n 0x004063f8 65653634 0066666c 75736800 73686d67 ee64.fflush.shmg\n 0x00406408 65740066 63686d6f 64007365 746c6f63 et.fchmod.setloc\n 0x00406418 616c6500 7372616e 64007374 726e636d ale.srand.strncm\n 0x00406428 70007374 72726368 72005f5f 73747264 p.strrchr.__strd\n 0x00406438 75700073 686d6174 006d6d61 70363400 up.shmat.mmap64.\n" }, { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -9313,15 +9313,15 @@\n 0x004dd000 43616e27 74206669 6e642073 63726970 Can't find scrip\n 0x004dd010 74202725 73272077 68656e20 68616e64 t '%s' when hand\n 0x004dd020 6c696e67 20696e70 75742e0a 00000000 ling input......\n 0x004dd030 43616e6e 6f742072 656c6f61 64207768 Cannot reload wh\n 0x004dd040 696c6520 6e6f7420 696e6974 69616c69 ile not initiali\n 0x004dd050 7a65642e 0a000000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 zed...../home/na\n 0x004dd060 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x004dd070 63652d30 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f686f ce-0/output-1/ho\n+ 0x004dd070 63652d30 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f686f ce-0/output-2/ho\n 0x004dd080 73742f62 696e2f77 61662063 6f6e6669 st/bin/waf confi\n 0x004dd090 67757265 202d2d70 72656669 783d2f75 gure --prefix=/u\n 0x004dd0a0 7372202d 2d6c6962 6469723d 2f757372 sr --libdir=/usr\n 0x004dd0b0 2f6c6962 202d2d70 72656669 783d2f75 /lib --prefix=/u\n 0x004dd0c0 7372202d 2d646973 61626c65 2d616e64 sr --disable-and\n 0x004dd0d0 726f6964 202d2d64 69736162 6c652d63 roid --disable-c\n 0x004dd0e0 61636120 2d2d6469 7361626c 652d636f aca --disable-co\n@@ -12833,15 +12833,15 @@\n 0x004eac00 00457272 6f727320 7768656e 206c6f61 .Errors when loa\n 0x004eac10 64696e67 2066696c 6500456e 64206f66 ding file.End of\n 0x004eac20 2066696c 65005175 6974000a 45786974 file.Quit..Exit\n 0x004eac30 696e672e 2e2e2028 2573290a 00000000 ing... (%s).....\n 0x004eac40 436f6e66 69677572 6174696f 6e3a202f Configuration: /\n 0x004eac50 686f6d65 2f6e616f 7572722f 776f726b home/naourr/work\n 0x004eac60 2f696e73 74616e63 652d302f 6f757470 /instance-0/outp\n- 0x004eac70 75742d31 2f686f73 742f6269 6e2f7761 ut-1/host/bin/wa\n+ 0x004eac70 75742d32 2f686f73 742f6269 6e2f7761 ut-2/host/bin/wa\n 0x004eac80 6620636f 6e666967 75726520 2d2d7072 f configure --pr\n 0x004eac90 65666978 3d2f7573 72202d2d 6c696264 efix=/usr --libd\n 0x004eaca0 69723d2f 7573722f 6c696220 2d2d7072 ir=/usr/lib --pr\n 0x004eacb0 65666978 3d2f7573 72202d2d 64697361 efix=/usr --disa\n 0x004eacc0 626c652d 616e6472 6f696420 2d2d6469 ble-android --di\n 0x004eacd0 7361626c 652d6361 6361202d 2d646973 sable-caca --dis\n 0x004eace0 61626c65 2d636f63 6f61202d 2d646973 able-cocoa --dis\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libavcodec.so.58.91.100", "source2": "./usr/lib/libavcodec.so.58.91.100", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -136398,30 +136398,30 @@\n 0x00bda970 740a0000 00000000 436f6465 63203078 t.......Codec 0x\n 0x00bda980 25782069 73206e6f 7420696e 20746865 %x is not in the\n 0x00bda990 2066756c 6c206c69 73742e0a 00000000 full list......\n 0x00bda9a0 2d2d656e 61626c65 2d63726f 73732d63 --enable-cross-c\n 0x00bda9b0 6f6d7069 6c65202d 2d63726f 73732d70 ompile --cross-p\n 0x00bda9c0 72656669 783d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 refix=/home/naou\n 0x00bda9d0 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 rr/work/instance\n- 0x00bda9e0 2d302f6f 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 -0/output-1/host\n+ 0x00bda9e0 2d302f6f 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0x00bda9f0 2f62696e 2f783836 5f36342d 616d642d /bin/x86_64-amd-\n 0x00bdaa00 6c696e75 782d676e 752d202d 2d737973 linux-gnu- --sys\n 0x00bdaa10 726f6f74 3d2f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 root=/home/naour\n 0x00bdaa20 722f776f 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d r/work/instance-\n- 0x00bdaa30 302f6f75 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 0/output-1/host/\n+ 0x00bdaa30 302f6f75 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 0/output-2/host/\n 0x00bdaa40 7838365f 36342d62 75696c64 726f6f74 x86_64-buildroot\n 0x00bdaa50 2d6c696e 75782d67 6e752f73 7973726f -linux-gnu/sysro\n 0x00bdaa60 6f74202d 2d686f73 742d6363 3d2f7573 ot --host-cc=/us\n 0x00bdaa70 722f6269 6e2f6763 63202d2d 61726368 r/bin/gcc --arch\n 0x00bdaa80 3d783836 5f363420 2d2d7461 72676574 =x86_64 --target\n 0x00bdaa90 2d6f733d 6c696e75 78202d2d 64697361 -os=linux --disa\n 0x00bdaaa0 626c652d 73747269 7070696e 67202d2d ble-stripping --\n 0x00bdaab0 706b672d 636f6e66 69673d2f 686f6d65 pkg-config=/home\n 0x00bdaac0 2f6e616f 7572722f 776f726b 2f696e73 /naourr/work/ins\n- 0x00bdaad0 74616e63 652d302f 6f757470 75742d31 tance-0/output-1\n+ 0x00bdaad0 74616e63 652d302f 6f757470 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00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x000019d0 2d2d656e 61626c65 2d63726f 73732d63 --enable-cross-c\n 0x000019e0 6f6d7069 6c65202d 2d63726f 73732d70 ompile --cross-p\n 0x000019f0 72656669 783d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 refix=/home/naou\n 0x00001a00 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 rr/work/instance\n- 0x00001a10 2d302f6f 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 -0/output-1/host\n+ 0x00001a10 2d302f6f 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 -0/output-2/host\n 0x00001a20 2f62696e 2f783836 5f36342d 616d642d /bin/x86_64-amd-\n 0x00001a30 6c696e75 782d676e 752d202d 2d737973 linux-gnu- --sys\n 0x00001a40 726f6f74 3d2f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 root=/home/naour\n 0x00001a50 722f776f 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d r/work/instance-\n- 0x00001a60 302f6f75 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 0/output-1/host/\n+ 0x00001a60 302f6f75 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 0/output-2/host/\n 0x00001a70 7838365f 36342d62 75696c64 726f6f74 x86_64-buildroot\n 0x00001a80 2d6c696e 75782d67 6e752f73 7973726f -linux-gnu/sysro\n 0x00001a90 6f74202d 2d686f73 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4d2621b4 ez,J?.J...D.M&!.\n- 0x00083c00 bbb9adf1 7c8149cc 710181cb f2c70797 ....|.I.q.......\n- 0x00083c10 3cba9162 b0e57b2a 2fea63e9 4aa8fabf <..b..{*/.c.J...\n- 0x00083c20 92514170 7319c1da 46a28992 4650970b .QAps...F...FP..\n- 0x00083c30 22c4e13b 5e4f8d4a cc519c02 883f9bd3 \"..;^O.J.Q...?..\n- 0x00083c40 1166c1fc f82cb824 eebf053e c349db36 .f...,.$...>.I.6\n- 0x00083c50 68727ccc 84d1c53b a6978032 c5ee8756 hr|....;...2...V\n- 0x00083c60 e0167b5a f9f7a98d 08766be5 2940fcdf ..{Z.....vk.)@..\n- 0x00083c70 d1eedbe9 b3fb19c6 cc2d8d17 add79dd3 .........-......\n- 0x00083c80 874c6c69 4839f8ba a0c02087 f0bc0d0a .LliH9.... .....\n- 0x00083c90 2990fd2f 8750e956 8970311f 77ef812e )../.P.V.p1.w...\n- 0x00083ca0 53020301 00014275 66666572 00446966 S.....Buffer.Dif\n+ 0x00083ba0 0097a8cc 2561c1f6 c96ece32 a495b324 ....%a...n.2...$\n+ 0x00083bb0 f781dbc0 3ec7227c 813d7a59 b99cb1a8 ....>.\"|.=zY....\n+ 0x00083bc0 fec7bc7f e9e1467f 97b295ef ec24f9cc ......F......$..\n+ 0x00083bd0 8b5a7f9a 9ae7b6ed 2772ec05 854673d8 .Z......'r...Fs.\n+ 0x00083be0 c7795f13 17004fd7 b6df6c5b d819c007 .y_...O...l[....\n+ 0x00083bf0 edd7c428 becc14b5 b3e083e6 fd6080c4 ...(.........`..\n+ 0x00083c00 055c30f3 388ba679 5f75d959 2ba9b714 .\\0.8..y_u.Y+...\n+ 0x00083c10 66b9fab7 09e4bb83 ec772f1f eca5518f f........w/...Q.\n+ 0x00083c20 f3629d51 61079cf2 843e8c75 55d78040 .b.Qa....>.uU..@\n+ 0x00083c30 c7a82358 8408ecc2 24a50d3e 9a044bc6 ..#X....$..>..K.\n+ 0x00083c40 62ee4b28 e490e5d2 919256eb f6bccc3a b.K(......V....:\n+ 0x00083c50 1f802c0f 4558c32c 12c03a20 101e10b0 ..,.EX.,..: ....\n+ 0x00083c60 aeb32dea cbbe6343 64243612 6a38dc15 ..-...cCd$6.j8..\n+ 0x00083c70 14895a4d d24803f7 33f7dd18 7664a081 ..ZM.H..3...vd..\n+ 0x00083c80 211fe73d 8cdf1846 e75d6898 1595a4e7 !..=...F.]h.....\n+ 0x00083c90 5c17da91 c485585c 35b1d059 0b1fec01 \\.....X\\5..Y....\n+ 0x00083ca0 45020301 00014275 66666572 00446966 E.....Buffer.Dif\n 0x00083cb0 66657265 6e74206e 756d6265 72206f66 ferent number of\n 0x00083cc0 20706c61 6e657300 506c616e 65200020 planes.Plane . \n 0x00083cd0 69732074 6f6f2073 6d616c6c 00466169 is too small.Fai\n 0x00083ce0 6c656420 746f206d 61702064 65737469 led to map desti\n 0x00083cf0 6e617469 6f6e2070 6c616e65 20004661 nation plane .Fa\n 0x00083d00 696c6564 20746f20 6d617020 736f7572 iled to map sour\n 0x00083d10 63652070 6c616e65 20005365 7269616c ce plane .Serial\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libmozjs-60.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/libmozjs-60.so", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@\n \n Displaying notes found at file offset 0x00000200 with length 0x00000024:\n Owner Data size\tDescription\n GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\n- Build ID: cbc2198b4bb3651751b7d71638ba2b83fb600ddd\n+ Build ID: 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00000000 ................\n 0x00238a10 e5be0200 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x00238a20 00000000 00000000 30e70000 00000000 ........0.......\n 0x00238a30 a8e60000 00000000 a8e60000 00000000 ................\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libplc4.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/libplc4.so", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.data':\n 0x00204100 00412000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .A .............\n 0x00204110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n- 0x00204120 02000000 00000000 00a3a48a 1dab0500 ................\n+ 0x00204120 02000000 00000000 4088d447 1fab0500 ........@..G....\n 0x00204130 e0250000 00000000 041a0000 00000000 .%..............\n 0x00204140 01000000 00000000 f4250000 00000000 .........%......\n 0x00204150 ff250000 00000000 10260000 00000000 .%.......&......\n 0x00204160 14260000 00000000 d5260000 00000000 .&.......&......\n 0x00204170 9c280000 00000000 .(......\n \n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libplds4.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/libplds4.so", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.data':\n 0x00203080 80302000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .0 .............\n 0x00203090 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x002030a0 38120000 00000000 26120000 00000000 8.......&.......\n 0x002030b0 2e120000 00000000 19120000 00000000 ................\n- 0x002030c0 02000000 00000000 00a3a48a 1dab0500 ................\n+ 0x002030c0 02000000 00000000 4088d447 1fab0500 ........@..G....\n 0x002030d0 2b1a0000 00000000 041a0000 00000000 +...............\n 0x002030e0 01000000 00000000 3f1a0000 00000000 ........?.......\n 0x002030f0 4b1a0000 00000000 5c1a0000 00000000 K.......\\.......\n 0x00203100 601a0000 00000000 211b0000 00000000 `.......!.......\n 0x00203110 201b0000 00000000 .......\n \n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libswresample.so.3.7.100", "source2": "./usr/lib/libswresample.so.3.7.100", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -416,30 +416,30 @@\n 0x00015eb0 72657361 6d706c65 00646973 63617264 resample.discard\n 0x00015ec0 696e6720 25642061 7564696f 2073616d ing %d audio sam\n 0x00015ed0 706c6573 0a000000 2d2d656e 61626c65 ples....--enable\n 0x00015ee0 2d63726f 73732d63 6f6d7069 6c65202d -cross-compile -\n 0x00015ef0 2d63726f 73732d70 72656669 783d2f68 -cross-prefix=/h\n 0x00015f00 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 0x00015f10 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f 75747075 instance-0/outpu\n- 0x00015f20 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f783836 t-1/host/bin/x86\n+ 0x00015f20 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f783836 t-2/host/bin/x86\n 0x00015f30 5f36342d 616d642d 6c696e75 782d676e _64-amd-linux-gn\n 0x00015f40 752d202d 2d737973 726f6f74 3d2f686f u- --sysroot=/ho\n 0x00015f50 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f 726b2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 0x00015f60 6e737461 6e63652d 302f6f75 74707574 nstance-0/output\n- 0x00015f70 2d312f68 6f73742f 7838365f 36342d62 -1/host/x86_64-b\n+ 0x00015f70 2d322f68 6f73742f 7838365f 36342d62 -2/host/x86_64-b\n 0x00015f80 75696c64 726f6f74 2d6c696e 75782d67 uildroot-linux-g\n 0x00015f90 6e752f73 7973726f 6f74202d 2d686f73 nu/sysroot --hos\n 0x00015fa0 742d6363 3d2f7573 722f6269 6e2f6763 t-cc=/usr/bin/gc\n 0x00015fb0 63202d2d 61726368 3d783836 5f363420 c --arch=x86_64 \n 0x00015fc0 2d2d7461 72676574 2d6f733d 6c696e75 --target-os=linu\n 0x00015fd0 78202d2d 64697361 626c652d 73747269 x --disable-stri\n 0x00015fe0 7070696e 67202d2d 706b672d 636f6e66 pping --pkg-conf\n 0x00015ff0 69673d2f 686f6d65 2f6e616f 7572722f ig=/home/naourr/\n 0x00016000 776f726b 2f696e73 74616e63 652d302f work/instance-0/\n- 0x00016010 6f757470 75742d31 2f686f73 742f6269 output-1/host/bi\n+ 0x00016010 6f757470 75742d32 2f686f73 742f6269 output-2/host/bi\n 0x00016020 6e2f706b 672d636f 6e666967 202d2d64 n/pkg-config --d\n 0x00016030 69736162 6c652d73 74617469 63202d2d isable-static --\n 0x00016040 656e6162 6c652d73 68617265 64202d2d enable-shared --\n 0x00016050 70726566 69783d2f 75737220 2d2d656e prefix=/usr --en\n 0x00016060 61626c65 2d617666 696c7465 72202d2d able-avfilter --\n 0x00016070 64697361 626c652d 76657273 696f6e33 disable-version3\n 0x00016080 202d2d65 6e61626c 652d6c6f 6767696e --enable-loggin\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libswscale.so.5.7.100", "source2": "./usr/lib/libswscale.so.5.7.100", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-0/output-1/host/bin/x86_64-amd-linux-gnu-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -417,30 +417,30 @@\n 0x00085e80 53775363 616c6572 3a207a65 726f2076 SwScaler: zero v\n 0x00085e90 6563746f 7220696e 20736361 6c696e67 ector in scaling\n 0x00085ea0 0a000000 00000000 2d2d656e 61626c65 ........--enable\n 0x00085eb0 2d63726f 73732d63 6f6d7069 6c65202d -cross-compile -\n 0x00085ec0 2d63726f 73732d70 72656669 783d2f68 -cross-prefix=/h\n 0x00085ed0 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 0x00085ee0 696e7374 616e6365 2d302f6f 75747075 instance-0/outpu\n- 0x00085ef0 742d312f 686f7374 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2f6e616f 7572722f ig=/home/naourr/\n 0x00085fd0 776f726b 2f696e73 74616e63 652d302f work/instance-0/\n- 0x00085fe0 6f757470 75742d31 2f686f73 742f6269 output-1/host/bi\n+ 0x00085fe0 6f757470 75742d32 2f686f73 742f6269 output-2/host/bi\n 0x00085ff0 6e2f706b 672d636f 6e666967 202d2d64 n/pkg-config --d\n 0x00086000 69736162 6c652d73 74617469 63202d2d isable-static --\n 0x00086010 656e6162 6c652d73 68617265 64202d2d enable-shared --\n 0x00086020 70726566 69783d2f 75737220 2d2d656e prefix=/usr --en\n 0x00086030 61626c65 2d617666 696c7465 72202d2d able-avfilter --\n 0x00086040 64697361 626c652d 76657273 696f6e33 disable-version3\n 0x00086050 202d2d65 6e61626c 652d6c6f 6767696e --enable-loggin\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/xcbgen/__init__.pyc", "source2": "./usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/xcbgen/__init__.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 9da0 195f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 49bf 195f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....I.._c.......\n 00000010: 0001 0000 0040 0000 0073 0400 0000 6400 .....@...s....d.\n 00000020: 0053 2801 0000 004e 2800 0000 0028 0000 .S(....N(....(..\n 00000030: 0000 2800 0000 0028 0000 0000 7333 0000 ..(....(....s3..\n 00000040: 002f 7573 722f 6c69 622f 7079 7468 6f6e ./usr/lib/python\n 00000050: 322e 372f 7369 7465 2d70 6163 6b61 6765 2.7/site-package\n 00000060: 732f 7863 6267 656e 2f5f 5f69 6e69 745f s/xcbgen/__init_\n 00000070: 5f2e 7079 7408 0000 003c 6d6f 6475 6c65 _.pyt....