echo "VERSION_ID=2023.11-git"; \ echo "PRETTY_NAME=\"Buildroot 2023.11-git\"" \ ) > /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/target/usr/lib/os-release ln -sf ../usr/lib/os-release /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/target/etc >>> Sanitizing RPATH in target tree PARALLEL_JOBS=4 \ PER_PACKAGE_DIR=/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/per-package \ /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/buildroot/support/scripts/fix-rpath target touch /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/target/usr >>> Generating root filesystems common tables rm -rf /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs mkdir -p /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs printf ' \n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_users_table.txt printf ' \n' > /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_devices_table.txt cat system/device_table.txt >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_devices_table.txt >>> Generating filesystem image rootfs.erofs mkdir -p /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images rm -rf /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs mkdir -p /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs rsync -auH --exclude=/THIS_IS_NOT_YOUR_ROOT_FILESYSTEM /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/target/ /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/target echo '#!/bin/sh' > /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot echo "set -e" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot echo "chown -h -R 0:0 /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/target" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot PATH="/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin:/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin" /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/buildroot/support/scripts/mkusers /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_users_table.txt /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/target >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot echo "/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin/makedevs -d /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_devices_table.txt /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/target" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot printf ' rm -rf /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/target/usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/ /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/target/etc/udev/hwdb.d/\n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot echo "find /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/target/run/ -mindepth 1 -prune -print0 | xargs -0r rm -rf --" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot echo "find /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/target/tmp/ -mindepth 1 -prune -print0 | xargs -0r rm -rf --" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot printf ' \n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot printf ' \n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot printf ' /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin/mkfs.erofs /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.erofs /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/target\n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot chmod a+x /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot PATH="/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin:/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin" FAKEROOTDONTTRYCHOWN=1 /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin/fakeroot -- /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/fakeroot rootdir=/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/erofs/target table='/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_devices_table.txt' mkfs.erofs 1.5 Processing bin ... Processing bin/chattr ... Processing bin/compile_et ... Processing bin/lsattr ... Processing bin/mk_cmds ... Processing bin/rc-status ... Processing bin/sh ... Processing bin/zsh ... Processing dev ... Processing dev/fd ... Processing dev/log ... Processing dev/stderr ... Processing dev/stdin ... Processing dev/stdout ... Processing etc ... Processing etc/conf.d ... Processing etc/conf.d/agetty ... Processing etc/conf.d/bootmisc ... Processing etc/conf.d/consolefont ... Processing etc/conf.d/devfs ... Processing etc/conf.d/dmesg ... Processing etc/conf.d/fsck ... Processing etc/conf.d/hostname ... Processing etc/conf.d/hwclock ... Processing etc/conf.d/killprocs ... Processing etc/conf.d/localmount ... Processing etc/conf.d/modules ... Processing etc/conf.d/mtab ... Processing etc/conf.d/net-online ... Processing etc/conf.d/netmount ... Processing etc/conf.d/network ... Processing etc/conf.d/seedrng ... Processing etc/conf.d/staticroute ... Processing etc/conf.d/swap ... Processing etc/conf.d/swclock ... Processing etc/fstab ... Processing etc/group ... Processing etc/hostname ... Processing etc/hosts ... Processing etc/init.d ... Processing etc/init.d/S21haveged ... Processing etc/init.d/S35iptables ... Processing etc/init.d/S50minissdpd ... Processing etc/init.d/S80dnsmasq ... Processing etc/init.d/agetty ... Processing etc/init.d/binfmt ... Processing etc/init.d/bootmisc ... Processing etc/init.d/cgroups ... Processing etc/init.d/consolefont ... Processing etc/init.d/devfs ... Processing etc/init.d/dmesg ... Processing etc/init.d/fsck ... Processing etc/init.d/ ... Processing etc/init.d/hostname ... Processing etc/init.d/hwclock ... Processing etc/init.d/killprocs ... Processing etc/init.d/local ... Processing etc/init.d/localmount ... Processing etc/init.d/loopback ... Processing etc/init.d/modules ... Processing etc/init.d/mount-ro ... Processing etc/init.d/mtab ... Processing etc/init.d/net-online ... Processing etc/init.d/netmount ... Processing etc/init.d/network ... Processing etc/init.d/numlock ... Processing etc/init.d/osclock ... Processing etc/init.d/procfs ... Processing etc/init.d/root ... Processing etc/init.d/runsvdir ... Processing etc/init.d/s6-svscan ... Processing etc/init.d/save-termencoding ... Processing etc/init.d/savecache ... Processing etc/init.d/seedrng ... Processing etc/init.d/staticroute ... Processing etc/init.d/swap ... Processing etc/init.d/swclock ... Processing etc/init.d/sysctl ... Processing etc/init.d/sysfs ... Processing etc/init.d/sysv-rcs ... Processing etc/init.d/termencoding ... Processing etc/inputrc ... Processing etc/iptables.conf ... Processing etc/issue ... Processing etc/local.d ... Processing etc/local.d/README ... Processing etc/log4crc.sample ... Processing etc/mke2fs.conf ... Processing etc/mtab ... Processing etc/network ... Processing etc/network/if-down.d ... Processing etc/network/if-post-down.d ... Processing etc/network/if-pre-up.d ... 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Processing etc/ssl/misc/ ... Processing etc/ssl/openssl.cnf ... Processing etc/ssl/openssl.cnf.dist ... Processing etc/ssl/private ... Processing etc/sysctl.d ... Processing etc/sysctl.d/README ... Processing lib ... Processing lib/firmware ... Processing lib/firmware/CG29XX_0200_0000_patch.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/CG29XX_0200_0000_settings.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/CG29XX_0700_0011_patch.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/CG29XX_0700_0011_settings.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/CG29XX_0700_0013_patch.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/CG29XX_0700_0013_settings.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/R1f.2_SoC1v20_BT_src_coeff_1.1.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/R1f.2_SoC1v20_Cobra_FM_SOC1_coef.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/R1f.2_SoC1v20_Cobra_FM_SOC1_prog.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/R1f.2_SoC1v20_EXT_src_coeff_1.1.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/R2c.2_SoC2v06_BT_src_coeff_1.1.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/R2c.2_SoC2v06_Cobra_FM_SOC2_coef.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/R2c.2_SoC2v06_Cobra_FM_SOC2_prog.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/R2c.2_SoC2v06_EXT_src_coeff_1.1.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/STLC2690_0603_0014_patch.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/STLC2690_0603_0014_settings.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/STLC2690_0604_001D_patch.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/STLC2690_0604_001D_settings.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/av8100.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/cg2900_fm_bt_src_coeff_info.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/cg2900_fm_ext_src_coeff_info.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/cg2900_fm_fm_coeff_info.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/cg2900_fm_fm_prog_info.fw ... Processing lib/firmware/cw1200 ... Processing lib/firmware/cw1200/sdd_10.bin ... Processing lib/firmware/cw1200/sdd_11.bin ... Processing lib/firmware/cw1200/sdd_20.bin ... Processing lib/firmware/cw1200/sdd_22.bin ... Processing lib/firmware/cw1200/wsm_10.bin ... Processing lib/firmware/cw1200/wsm_11.bin ... Processing lib/firmware/cw1200/wsm_20.bin ... 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Processing usr/libexec/rc/sbin/mark_service_failed ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sbin/mark_service_hotplugged ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sbin/mark_service_inactive ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sbin/mark_service_started ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sbin/mark_service_starting ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sbin/mark_service_stopped ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sbin/mark_service_stopping ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sbin/mark_service_wasinactive ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sbin/rc-abort ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sbin/seedrng ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sbin/swclock ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/sh/ ... Processing usr/libexec/rc/version ... Processing usr/sbin ... Processing usr/sbin/dnsmasq ... Processing usr/sbin/eeprog ... Processing usr/sbin/fdformat ... Processing usr/sbin/haveged ... Processing usr/sbin/i2c-stub-from-dump ... Processing usr/sbin/i2cdetect ... Processing usr/sbin/i2cdump ... Processing usr/sbin/i2cget ... Processing usr/sbin/i2cset ... Processing usr/sbin/i2ctransfer ... Processing usr/sbin/ip6tables ... Processing usr/sbin/ip6tables-apply ... Processing usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy ... Processing usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy-restore ... Processing usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy-save ... Processing usr/sbin/ip6tables-restore ... Processing usr/sbin/ip6tables-save ... Processing usr/sbin/iptables ... Processing usr/sbin/iptables-apply ... Processing usr/sbin/iptables-legacy ... Processing usr/sbin/iptables-legacy-restore ... Processing usr/sbin/iptables-legacy-save ... 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/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/buildroot/support/scripts/mkusers /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_users_table.txt /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot echo "/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin/makedevs -d /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_devices_table.txt /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot printf ' rm -rf /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target/usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/ /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target/etc/udev/hwdb.d/\n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot echo "find /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target/run/ -mindepth 1 -prune -print0 | xargs -0r rm -rf --" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot echo "find /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target/tmp/ -mindepth 1 -prune -print0 | xargs -0r rm -rf --" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot printf ' \n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot printf ' \n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot printf ' rm -f -f /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.f2fs\n truncate -s 5G /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.f2fs\n /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin/mkfs.f2fs -f -l "" -t 0 -o 0 /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.f2fs\n /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin/sload.f2fs -f /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.f2fs\n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot chmod a+x /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot PATH="/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin:/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin" FAKEROOTDONTTRYCHOWN=1 /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin/fakeroot -- /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/fakeroot rootdir=/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/f2fs/target table='/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_devices_table.txt' F2FS-tools: mkfs.f2fs Ver: 1.16.0 (2023-04-11) Info: Disable heap-based policy Info: Debug level = 0 Info: Trim is disabled Info: Segments per section = 1 Info: Sections per zone = 1 Info: sector size = 512 Info: total sectors = 10485760 (5120 MB) Info: zone aligned segment0 blkaddr: 512 Info: format version with "Linux version 5.4.0-165-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-078) (gcc version 9.4.0 (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2)) #182-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 2 19:43:28 UTC 2023" Info: Overprovision ratio = 2.150% Info: Overprovision segments = 55 (GC reserved = 53) Info: format successful Info: MKFS version "Linux version 5.4.0-165-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-078) (gcc version 9.4.0 (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2)) #182-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 2 19:43:28 UTC 2023" Info: FSCK version from "Linux version 5.4.0-165-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-078) (gcc version 9.4.0 (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2)) #182-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 2 19:43:28 UTC 2023" to "Linux version 5.4.0-165-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-078) (gcc version 9.4.0 (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2)) #182-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 2 19:43:28 UTC 2023" Info: superblock features = 0 : Info: superblock encrypt level = 0, salt = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Info: Segments per section = 1 Info: Sections per zone = 1 Info: total FS sectors = 10485760 (5120 MB) Info: CKPT version = 7afdb52d Info: Duplicate valid checkpoint to mirror position 512 -> 1024 Info: Write valid nat_bits in checkpoint [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e2 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e1 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e1 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9e1 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e1 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9e1 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9e1 [ - ] Free segments: 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0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ | ] Free segments: 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0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dd [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ - ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ * ] Free segments: 0x9dc [ | ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ - ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9db [ | ] Free segments: 0x9db [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 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0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d5 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d4 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9d4 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9d4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d4 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9d4 [ * ] Free segments: 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0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 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0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 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0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 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0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ - ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ * ] Free segments: 0x9ba [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ | ] Free segments: 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0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ - ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ | ] Free segments: 0x9b9 [ * ] Free segments: 0x9b9[FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[0] 3 -> 4 after 2c00 [FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[1] 4f4 -> 2e after 2c00 [FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[2] 279 -> 2f after 2c00 [FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[3] 0 -> 2c after 2c00 [FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[4] 1 -> e after 2c00 [FIX] (move_one_curseg_info:2921) --> Move curseg[5] 2 -> 1 after 2c00 Info: Write valid nat_bits in checkpoint Info: MKFS version "Linux version 5.4.0-165-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-078) (gcc version 9.4.0 (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2)) #182-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 2 19:43:28 UTC 2023" Info: FSCK version from "Linux version 5.4.0-165-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-078) (gcc version 9.4.0 (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2)) #182-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 2 19:43:28 UTC 2023" to "Linux version 5.4.0-165-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-078) (gcc version 9.4.0 (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2)) #182-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 2 19:43:28 UTC 2023" Info: superblock features = 0 : Info: superblock encrypt level = 0, salt = 00000000000000000000000000000000 Info: Segments per section = 1 Info: Sections per zone = 1 Info: total FS sectors = 10485760 (5120 MB) Info: CKPT version = 7afdb52d Info: Checked valid nat_bits in checkpoint Info: checkpoint state = 81 : nat_bits unmount [FSCK] Check node 1 / 2213 (0.05%) [FSCK] Check node 222 / 2213 (10.05%) [FSCK] Check node 443 / 2213 (20.05%) [FSCK] Check node 664 / 2213 (30.05%) [FSCK] Check node 885 / 2213 (40.05%) [FSCK] Check node 1106 / 2213 (50.05%) [FSCK] Check node 1327 / 2213 (60.05%) [FSCK] Check node 1548 / 2213 (70.05%) [FSCK] Check node 1769 / 2213 (80.05%) [FSCK] Check node 1990 / 2213 (90.05%) [FSCK] Check node 2211 / 2213 (100.05%) [FSCK] Max image size: 124 MB, Free space: 4996 MB [FSCK] Unreachable nat entries [Ok..] [0x0] [FSCK] SIT valid block bitmap checking [Ok..] [FSCK] Hard link checking for regular file [Ok..] [0x0] [FSCK] valid_block_count matching with CP [Ok..] [0x4d34] [FSCK] valid_node_count matching with CP (de lookup) [Ok..] [0x8a5] [FSCK] valid_node_count matching with CP (nat lookup) [Ok..] [0x8a5] [FSCK] valid_inode_count matched with CP [Ok..] [0x89d] [FSCK] free segment_count matched with CP [Ok..] [0x9bb] [FSCK] next block offset is free [Ok..] [FSCK] fixing SIT types [FSCK] other corrupted bugs [Ok..] Done: 2.571423 secs >>> Generating filesystem image rootfs.ubifs mkdir -p /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images rm -rf /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs mkdir -p /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs rsync -auH --exclude=/THIS_IS_NOT_YOUR_ROOT_FILESYSTEM /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/target/ /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/target echo '#!/bin/sh' > /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot echo "set -e" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot echo "chown -h -R 0:0 /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/target" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot PATH="/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin:/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin" /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/buildroot/support/scripts/mkusers /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_users_table.txt /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/target >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot echo "/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin/makedevs -d /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_devices_table.txt /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/target" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot printf ' rm -rf /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/target/usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/ /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/target/etc/udev/hwdb.d/\n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot echo "find /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/target/run/ -mindepth 1 -prune -print0 | xargs -0r rm -rf --" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot echo "find /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/target/tmp/ -mindepth 1 -prune -print0 | xargs -0r rm -rf --" >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot printf ' \n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot printf ' \n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot printf ' /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin/mkfs.ubifs -d /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/target -e 0x1f800 -c 41610 -m 0x800 -x none -o /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.ubifs\n' >> /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot chmod a+x /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot PATH="/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin:/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin" FAKEROOTDONTTRYCHOWN=1 /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin/fakeroot -- /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/fakeroot rootdir=/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/ubifs/target table='/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/build/buildroot-fs/full_devices_table.txt' PATH="/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin:/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin" /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/bin/lzma -9 -c /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.ubifs > /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/images/rootfs.ubifs.lzma ln -snf /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/host/i586-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/staging make: Leaving directory '/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/buildroot' make: Entering directory '/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/buildroot' >>> Buildroot 2022.08-rc1-5644-gfd41e442f0f Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 9755181e27175cb3510b4da8629caa406fb355a19aa8e7d55f06bf8ab33323c4) >>> toolchain-buildroot Collecting legal info >>> gcc-final 12.3.0 Collecting legal info COPYING.RUNTIME: OK (sha256: 9d6b43ce4d8de0c878bf16b54d8e7a10d9bd42b75178153e3af6a815bdc90f74) >>> host-gcc-final 12.3.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 231f7edcc7352d7734a96eef0b8030f77982678c516876fcb81e25b32d68564c) COPYING3: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: a9bdde5616ecdd1e980b44f360600ee8783b1f99b8cc83a2beb163a0a390e861) COPYING3.LIB: OK (sha256: a853c2ffec17057872340eee242ae4d96cbf2b520ae27d903e1b2fef1a5f9d1c) >>> glibc 2.38-27-g750a45a783906a19591fb8ff6b7841470f1f5701 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) LICENSES: OK (sha256: b33d0bd9f685b46853548814893a6135e74430d12f6d94ab3eba42fc591f83bc) >>> host-bison 3.8.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 3972dc9744f6499f0f9b2dbf76696f2ae7ad8af9b23dde66d6af86c9dfb36986) >>> host-m4 1.4.19 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 3972dc9744f6499f0f9b2dbf76696f2ae7ad8af9b23dde66d6af86c9dfb36986) >>> host-skeleton Collecting legal info >>> host-gawk 5.2.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> host-gcc-initial 12.3.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 231f7edcc7352d7734a96eef0b8030f77982678c516876fcb81e25b32d68564c) COPYING3: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: a9bdde5616ecdd1e980b44f360600ee8783b1f99b8cc83a2beb163a0a390e861) COPYING3.LIB: OK (sha256: a853c2ffec17057872340eee242ae4d96cbf2b520ae27d903e1b2fef1a5f9d1c) >>> host-binutils 2.40 Collecting legal info COPYING3: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: 56bdea73b6145ef6ac5259b3da390b981d840c24cb03b8e1cbc678de7ecfa18d) >>> host-gmp 6.3.0 Collecting legal info COPYING.LESSERv3: OK (sha256: a853c2ffec17057872340eee242ae4d96cbf2b520ae27d903e1b2fef1a5f9d1c) COPYINGv2: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-mpc 1.2.1 Collecting legal info COPYING.LESSER: OK (sha256: da7eabb7bafdf7d3ae5e9f223aa5bdc1eece45ac569dc21b3b037520b4464768) >>> host-mpfr 4.1.1 Collecting legal info COPYING.LESSER: OK (sha256: e3a994d82e644b03a792a930f574002658412f62407f5fee083f2555c5f23118) >>> linux-headers 6.6 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: fb5a425bd3b3cd6071a3a9aff9909a859e7c1158d54d32e07658398cd67eb6a0) LICENSES/preferred/GPL-2.0: OK (sha256: f6b78c087c3ebdf0f3c13415070dd480a3f35d8fc76f3d02180a407c1c812f79) LICENSES/exceptions/Linux-syscall-note: OK (sha256: 8e378ab93586eb55135d3bc119cce787f7324f48394777d00c34fa3d0be3303f) >>> skeleton Collecting legal info >>> skeleton-init-openrc Collecting legal info >>> skeleton-init-common Collecting legal info >>> toolchain Collecting legal info >>> ascii-invaders 1.0.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha512: 1e455684996d7733b2f1ccd4606d034694d16ceff6ede6125d7f1537d20dabe05976cca4cef5cbf6c31352cbd62a515fd8e34a2ffb54dae1181c1116b24c6cf7) >>> ncurses 6.4-20230603 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 0413b2f4ea863194c174673032f0fca84f1ea1ed4eed6476baea68c075a631ce) >>> host-ncurses 6.4-20230603 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 0413b2f4ea863194c174673032f0fca84f1ea1ed4eed6476baea68c075a631ce) >>> bitwise 0.50 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 3972dc9744f6499f0f9b2dbf76696f2ae7ad8af9b23dde66d6af86c9dfb36986) >>> readline 8.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> host-autoconf 2.71 Collecting legal info COPYINGv3: OK (sha256: 3972dc9744f6499f0f9b2dbf76696f2ae7ad8af9b23dde66d6af86c9dfb36986) COPYING.EXCEPTION: OK (sha256: 1f1cde9fb68b9b3cff18c420894bec5bd4defacd700b7d13df54a887301e5350) >>> host-libtool 2.4.6 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) libltdl/COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> bwm-ng 0.6.3 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8556cc15ba3c0a411bf7d94bac5870829fb725f294b450c724c1e0856a601556) >>> host-automake 1.16.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: ab15fd526bd8dd18a9e77ebc139656bf4d33e97fc7238cd11bf60e2b9b8666c6) >>> host-cryptsetup 2.6.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 45670cce8b6a0ddd66c8016cd8ccef6cd71f35717cbacc7f1e895b3855207b33) COPYING.LGPL: OK (sha256: 8c33cc37871654ec7ed87e6fbb896c8cf33ef5ef05b1611a5aed857596ffafa5) >>> host-json-c 0.17 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 74c1e6ca5eba76b54d0ad00d4815c8315c1b3bc45ff99de61d103dc92486284c) >>> host-cmake 3.27.7 Collecting legal info Copyright.txt: OK (sha256: 4a01ccf2dc580ba570d02bc015bbe0ec92f1f318717aae9540ba841ba7946756) >>> host-pkgconf 1.6.3 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 07ee94b50a41ee3fc4e13a9b9c60b26fc28488494c465639f7e5f07a3952ec04) >>> host-lvm2 2.03.14 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: e76fbcd2fb97cf202da330301327754d2db5c58b5b4bebd3a8a749393e7603d1) COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: 5df07007198989c622f5d41de8d703e7bef3d0e79d62e24332ee739a452af62a) >>> host-libaio 0.3.113 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 5bbcbb737e60fe9deba08ecbd00920cfcc3403ba2e534c64fdeea49d6bb87509) >>> host-openssl Collecting legal info >>> host-libopenssl 3.1.4 Collecting legal info LICENSE.txt: OK (sha256: 7d5450cb2d142651b8afa315b5f238efc805dad827d91ba367d8516bc9d49e7a) >>> host-zlib Collecting legal info >>> host-libzlib 1.3 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 845efc77857d485d91fb3e0b884aaa929368c717ae8186b66fe1ed2495753243) >>> host-popt 1.19 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 2b488b239927935f34769a39309c0680be16e3725a1f55dbb06ed20d53852801) >>> host-util-linux 2.39.2 Collecting legal info README.licensing: OK (sha256: 64dfeae1519bf0e27563d905a71264310fb6a8fa74e5cf99bb36e4d30d7ef455) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-3-Clause: OK (sha256: 9b718a9460fed5952466421235bc79eb49d4e9eacc920d7a9dd6285ab8fd6c6d) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-4-Clause-UC: OK (sha256: ba7640f00d93e72e92b94b9d71f25ec53bac2f1682f5c4adcccb0018359f60f8) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.GPL-2.0-or-later: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.ISC: OK (sha256: e53348ce276358e9997014071c5294b36a18c4b34f32f00ee57b9acce0aafd63) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.LGPL-2.1-or-later: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> dnsmasq 2.89 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) COPYING-v3: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> host-dos2unix 7.5.0 Collecting legal info COPYING.txt: OK (sha256: 6009a35c7aaee9888fd4844972c37b84bce22e7407893727c70f4f3560ae3eac) >>> e2fsprogs 1.47.0 Collecting legal info NOTICE: OK (sha256: 5da5ef153e559c1d990d4c3eedbedd4442db892d37eae1f35fff069de8ec9020) lib/ss/mit-sipb-copyright.h: OK (sha256: 032989b508f1a72ebee5b3417e55d06d473f9ee203e45ab11864a7e49cdec63d) lib/et/internal.h: OK (sha256: 47182fe6631a32f271a15bbe210751b3825b7199f588879aac7d4804fc8b4b8f) >>> util-linux 2.39.2 Collecting legal info README.licensing: OK (sha256: 64dfeae1519bf0e27563d905a71264310fb6a8fa74e5cf99bb36e4d30d7ef455) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-3-Clause: OK (sha256: 9b718a9460fed5952466421235bc79eb49d4e9eacc920d7a9dd6285ab8fd6c6d) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-4-Clause-UC: OK (sha256: ba7640f00d93e72e92b94b9d71f25ec53bac2f1682f5c4adcccb0018359f60f8) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.GPL-2.0-or-later: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.ISC: OK (sha256: e53348ce276358e9997014071c5294b36a18c4b34f32f00ee57b9acce0aafd63) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.LGPL-2.1-or-later: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> zlib Collecting legal info >>> zlib-ng 2.1.3 Collecting legal info OK (sha256: d3c80be055d94d798eaa786116e84fa0b010bc11420b5d2060d978ea77845436) >>> host-erofs-utils 1.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 0df042de29b44887355db86c79708a4489ce6e6666f6e33ad02040293f09e6a2) LICENSES/Apache-2.0: OK (sha256: a400f85dd06d230f1b308cde4290a53f345b6e320a376b7904b31c51c2fd4b1a) LICENSES/GPL-2.0: OK (sha256: feee3b3157dcdf78d4f50edefbd5dd7adf8b6d52c11bfaaa746a85a373256713) >>> host-lz4 1.9.4 Collecting legal info lib/LICENSE: OK (sha256: 8b58c446121a109ccf32edc094bba3010a3d85e4ee3702950db55e4d3e87736c) programs/COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> expat 2.5.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 122f2c27000472a201d337b9b31f7eb2b52d091b02857061a8880371612d9534) >>> host-f2fs-tools 1.16.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 662abb3a8a80b36ae7036c289dd1e03b361ee5dd2e6fd5211d0d8d029146449f) >>> host-faketime 0.9.10 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> fconfig 20080329 Collecting legal info fconfig.c: OK (sha256: e698a9ea4d6dab0a15d3d6fd354b97b820629244f946529cc7f42b2b8e8f16d0) >>> fftw-single 3.3.10 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 231f7edcc7352d7734a96eef0b8030f77982678c516876fcb81e25b32d68564c) >>> firmware-utils 86739f2b3ae9502368b89ef37fa6f31c42aad6f4 Collecting legal info >>> openssl Collecting legal info >>> libopenssl 3.1.4 Collecting legal info LICENSE.txt: OK (sha256: 7d5450cb2d142651b8afa315b5f238efc805dad827d91ba367d8516bc9d49e7a) >>> host-flutter-sdk-bin 3.13.9 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: a598db94b6290ffbe10b5ecf911057b6a943351c727fdda9e5f2891d68700a20) >>> freetype 2.13.2 Collecting legal info LICENSE.TXT: OK (sha256: 2e3bbb7d7c5c396368dd0853a790ec29ce5b8647163dde42a0493fb0d6556b2b) docs/FTL.TXT: OK (sha256: 08c135755dd589039470f1fdbb400daaabaaa50d0b366d19cebff4d22986baa1) docs/GPLv2.TXT: OK (sha256: c4120c6752c910c299e3bd9cb3a46ff262c268303ca2069b61f92f10a5656c18) >>> libpng 1.6.40 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 5c0bb4b05b1354ae7c173532b6702ea68b611047ff9b91c4d3af77da39c195d9) >>> fswebcam 20200725 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 204d8eff92f95aac4df6c8122bc1505f468f3a901e5a4cc08940e0ede1938994) >>> gd 2.3.3 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 005f4b6b0141d1bd11d371bbf7d4f67947f85a4906b7f5465f942204cf918ba3) >>> jpeg Collecting legal info >>> jpeg-turbo 2.1.5 Collecting legal info OK (sha256: 60c756742db3ad1913304e8b13f0e86e22e51adb50cc0b3333c163f7e45ceec1) README.ijg: OK (sha256: 4b7b9f8c03bb8d60270dfd12684e70ab21e4abfd27e73905cd1a7c4cae6f5cdb) >>> host-nasm 2.16.01 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 1563996c52e220e15ef2418e67d39488255aa8c28c89e617074d3afe3ee329e0) >>> fxload 2008_10_13 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: dcc100d4161cc0b7177545ab6e47216f84857cda3843847c792a25289852dcaa) >>> genext2fs 1.5.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 32b1062f7da84967e7019d01ab805935caa7ab7321a7ced0e30ebe75e5df1670) >>> gnupg 1.4.23 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: fc82ca8b6fdb18d4e3e85cfd8ab58d1bcd3f1b29abe782895abd91d64763f8e7) >>> haveged 1.9.18 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> i2c-tools 4.3 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: ab15fd526bd8dd18a9e77ebc139656bf4d33e97fc7238cd11bf60e2b9b8666c6) COPYING.LGPL: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) README: OK (sha256: 2293b6e9076984d02184ff620baac557143e16cfa47d88f0a791d05a1271742c) >>> iptables 1.8.9 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.9 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 91df39d1816bfb17a4dda2d3d2c83b1f6f2d38d53e53e41e8f97ad5ac46a0cad) >>> libmnl 1.0.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> libnfnetlink 1.0.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 91df39d1816bfb17a4dda2d3d2c83b1f6f2d38d53e53e41e8f97ad5ac46a0cad) >>> jsmin 1bf6ce5f74a9f8752ac7f5d115b8d7ccb31cfe1b Collecting legal info jsmin.c: OK (sha256: b420f61778af09534adc836a5086f5625b8499124051c50baefa218e7c03a58c) >>> kmod 31 Collecting legal info libkmod/COPYING: OK (sha256: 6095e9ffa777dd22839f7801aa845b31c9ed07f3d6bf8a26dc5d2dec8ccc0ef3) COPYING: OK (sha256: 6095e9ffa777dd22839f7801aa845b31c9ed07f3d6bf8a26dc5d2dec8ccc0ef3) >>> libbroadvoice f65b0f50c8c767229fbf1758370880abc0d78564 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 2550586c993ce4a8c23c8b11968ea36192116a896a2504799cc65307d769c094) >>> libcli 1.10.7 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 376b54d4c5f4aa99421823fa4da93e3ab73096fce2400e89858632aa7da24a14) >>> libcuefile 475 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 32b1062f7da84967e7019d01ab805935caa7ab7321a7ced0e30ebe75e5df1670) >>> libexif 0.6.24 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 36b6d3fa47916943fd5fec313c584784946047ec1337a78b440e5992cb595f89) >>> liblog4c-localtime 1.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: a190dc9c8043755d90f8b0a75fa66b9e42d4af4c980bf5ddc633f0124db3cee7) >>> liblogging 1.0.6 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: a5626f700d3ee92513673b5f43733af5b651d9e7a9157d4bd81ceb9c89ec04b0) >>> libmad 0.15.1b Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 32b1062f7da84967e7019d01ab805935caa7ab7321a7ced0e30ebe75e5df1670) >>> libmodbus 3.1.10 Collecting legal info COPYING.LESSER: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> libnetfilter_acct 1.0.3 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> libnetfilter_cttimeout 1.0.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 91df39d1816bfb17a4dda2d3d2c83b1f6f2d38d53e53e41e8f97ad5ac46a0cad) >>> libnetfilter_log 1.0.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 91df39d1816bfb17a4dda2d3d2c83b1f6f2d38d53e53e41e8f97ad5ac46a0cad) >>> libreplaygain r475 Collecting legal info src/gain_analysis.c: OK (sha256: 511e7b63ce6530b93932d19da3471a6672586339bc131b2699ad4e9b0ee6c9bb) >>> libsndfile 1.2.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: ad01ea5cd2755f6048383c8d54c88459cd6fcb17757c5c8892f8c5ea060f6140) >>> libsocketcan 0.0.12 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> libspdm 3.1.1 Collecting legal info OK (sha256: 7dc072bff163df39209bbb63e0916f4667c2a84cf3c36ccc84ec7425bc3e4779) >>> libtool 2.4.6 Collecting legal info libltdl/COPYING.LIB: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> liburiparser 0.9.7 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 287f09e6546a9610f949f89e8fb937cacfeabd7bfaa8c8a0c18312193bf04ad3) >>> libwebsockets 4.3.2 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 2b5dd8030691f3d1870a040f085c37e45d9ab9c684a7f1284f5f379c1e829b28) >>> lz4 1.9.4 Collecting legal info lib/LICENSE: OK (sha256: 8b58c446121a109ccf32edc094bba3010a3d85e4ee3702950db55e4d3e87736c) programs/COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-microchip-hss-payload-generator 2023.09 Collecting legal info tools/hss-payload-generator/ OK (sha256: 0b67b1d44bcad078580fc5d8e9580a48a9466b769db58aeb1631d4c5ef97e08a) >>> host-elfutils 0.189 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) COPYING-GPLV2: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) COPYING-LGPLV3: OK (sha256: da7eabb7bafdf7d3ae5e9f223aa5bdc1eece45ac569dc21b3b037520b4464768) >>> host-bzip2 1.0.8 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: c6dbbf828498be844a89eaa3b84adbab3199e342eb5cb2ed2f0d4ba7ec0f38a3) >>> host-xz 5.4.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 72d7ef9c98be319fd34ce88b45203b36d5936f9c49e82bf3198ffee5e0c7d87e) COPYING.GPLv2: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) COPYING.GPLv3: OK (sha256: 3972dc9744f6499f0f9b2dbf76696f2ae7ad8af9b23dde66d6af86c9dfb36986) COPYING.LGPLv2.1: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> host-libyaml 0.2.5 Collecting legal info License: OK (sha256: c40112449f254b9753045925248313e9270efa36d226b22d82d4cc6c43c57f29) >>> minimodem 0.24 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: c298178753129680ef6d3112f0f8b61acc405c86c1997dfe59735257988f8b33) >>> minissdpd 1.6.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: a0f853256954f388ce4fab5faaef6a1f5bcd5e682c3c7c70b07b7130e932a021) >>> mtdev 1.1.6 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 795bfe74daae59a97d3a0c8ec0ba0f08c243adf94a3aa7981a4136fce31d55b4) >>> musepack r475 Collecting legal info libmpcdec/COPYING: OK (sha256: 141f551d8e4f037b7f6bc9136b7d3116c7ae9ec8da10c4f14c07c6dc34bc9aa5) libmpcenc/quant.c: OK (sha256: 0da88639aebbd614151ee52294fa13789f8cd28d9f2e0a56998b89b5c21ddc2b) >>> ngircd 26.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-nodejs-src 20.9.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 93ac846282ce6c5255e00fada2fd2e7e292255239fe58d5502b0a554859e6a3e) >>> host-icu 73-2 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: f3005e195ff74d8812cc1f182a1c446fab678d70a10e3dada497585befee5416) >>> host-ninja 1.11.1.g95dee.kitware.jobserver-1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: eb7e9ab9690124c5c9f42bdc81383d886a3dede26345b6ed15bbad7caf81f7ea) >>> host-python3 3.11.6 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 3b2f81fe21d181c499c59a256c8e1968455d6689d269aa85373bfb6af41da3bf) >>> host-autoconf-archive 2023.02.20 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: e6037104443f9a7829b2aa7c5370d0789a7bda3ca65a0b904cdc0c2e285d9195) COPYING.EXCEPTION: OK (sha256: 23ed0b84fa023bfa33433b498192cd08a3bfb1f4864a8ed791a84f3eb48b2dd2) >>> host-expat 2.5.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 122f2c27000472a201d337b9b31f7eb2b52d091b02857061a8880371612d9534) >>> host-libffi 3.4.4 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 2c9c2acb9743e6b007b91350475308aee44691d96aa20eacef8e199988c8c388) >>> nvme 1.12 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: a45d0bb572ed792ed34627a72621834b3ba92aab6e2cc4e04301dee7a728d753) >>> openrc 0.51 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 6ac2bf77510808fbec7dc86cbfbca98dfc4c6b47dc99e4ca77b5370e097d8e70) >>> host-meson 1.1.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: cfc7749b96f63bd31c3c42b5c471bf756814053e847c10f3eb003417bc523d30) >>> host-python-setuptools 68.2.2 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 86da0f01aeae46348a3c3d465195dc1ceccde79f79e87769a64b8da04b2a4741) >>> host-python-installer 0.7.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 37b8b9f2569892fa54406383d431169dbb2115980d78b7efba6eeae5664c484f) >>> host-python-flit-core 3.9.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 35b4f1dec512e617077fd6980dbb43ef8c2887adc5d0185edb4c04da175dd816) >>> host-python-pypa-build 1.0.3 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: aaf9a29ca5907971ccf07de025375db34539a8d5eeebce20b46099805722106f) >>> host-python-packaging 23.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: cad1ef5bd340d73e074ba614d26f7deaca5c7940c3d8c34852e65c4909686c48) LICENSE.APACHE: OK (sha256: 0d542e0c8804e39aa7f37eb00da5a762149dc682d7829451287e11b938e94594) LICENSE.BSD: OK (sha256: b70e7e9b742f1cc6f948b34c16aa39ffece94196364bc88ff0d2180f0028fac5) >>> host-python-pyproject-hooks 1.0.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 1b22b049b5267d6dfc23a67bf4a84d8ec04b9fdfb1a51d360e42b4342c8b4154) >>> host-python-wheel 0.40.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE.txt: OK (sha256: 30c23618679108f3e8ea1d2a658c7ca417bdfc891c98ef1a89fa4ff0c9828654) >>> host-patchelf 0.13 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> host-qoriq-rcw LSDK-21.08 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 68f4b15ecc085729419bc60ca6eeadca5af0237bbfec791e8a79da9c943d42e9) >>> sqlite 3.43.1 Collecting legal info tea/license.terms: OK (sha256: 66e056b6e8687f32af30d5187611b98b12a8f46f07aaf62f43585f276e8f0ac9) >>> stm32flash 0.7 Collecting legal info gpl-2.0.txt: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> tinifier 3.4.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 18f524914c0df04e21289c3d9ca3e27c10abe5869cc4e4d4790a1b2c56df282c) >>> host-go 1.21.4 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 2d36597f7117c38b006835ae7f537487207d8ec407aa9d9980794b2030cbc067) >>> host-go-bootstrap-stage2 1.19.11 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 2d36597f7117c38b006835ae7f537487207d8ec407aa9d9980794b2030cbc067) >>> host-go-bootstrap-stage1 1.4-bootstrap-20171003 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: dd26a7abddd02e2d0aba97805b31f248ef7835d9e10da289b22e3b8ab78b324d) >>> tinyssh 20220801 Collecting legal info LICENCE: OK (sha256: b5dc19477e29f4111e1c16cd89ec0782f5a07b1a30e3bdb7c155425b81b12c46) >>> ulogd 2.0.8 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: b8a2f73f743dc1a51aff23f1aacbca4b868564db52496fa3c0caba755bfd1eaf) >>> unzip 6.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 7469b81d5d29ac4fd670f7c86ba0cb9fa34f137a2d4d5198437d92ddf918984b) >>> ux500-firmware 1.1.3-6 Collecting legal info license.txt: OK (sha256: b5bbc3fb3ff2f8e165b3bf60b25702d8970b3d7fe88b1c883f20615d550a7cb2) >>> whetstone 1.2 Collecting legal info >>> wqy-zenhei 0.9.45 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 871c2a85e6bbf7bec65043820b706a265ed95d4e58c577fbb2c9f60c39c26ca7) >>> x264 baee400fa9ced6f5481a728138fed6e867b0ff7f Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 32b1062f7da84967e7019d01ab805935caa7ab7321a7ced0e30ebe75e5df1670) >>> xutil_util-macros 1.20.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 7db0516389152a90c20ea910e8839d10204ebc25ccbc71fc7f5809dfb98e80ac) >>> host-zip 3.0 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 8ecd6c1bab449127eb665cef1561e73a8bce52e217375f6f466939e137b1e110) >>> zsh 5.9 Collecting legal info LICENCE: OK (sha256: d06fdf3ef9b1ec69d6b9e170b0a9516fbad3523261ff1668bde3bfea6e0ef5f5) >>> host-acl 2.3.1 Collecting legal info doc/COPYING: OK (sha256: a45a845012742796534f7e91fe623262ccfb99460a2bd04015bd28d66fba95b8) doc/COPYING.LGPL: OK (sha256: 01b1f9f2c8ee648a7a596a1abe8aa4ed7899b1c9e5551bda06da6e422b04aa55) >>> host-attr 2.5.1 Collecting legal info doc/COPYING: OK (sha256: 98f318493be6b08bff3cd295791cde06c54e17882a3c74a1ed245eaa02533d52) doc/COPYING.LGPL: OK (sha256: 5decad7e58d90d44335bf2f45ce27563bd911065c6a1a02dfa7647c4efee75c8) >>> host-fakeroot 1.32.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: fc82ca8b6fdb18d4e3e85cfd8ab58d1bcd3f1b29abe782895abd91d64763f8e7) >>> host-makedevs Collecting legal info >>> host-lzma 4.32.7 Collecting legal info COPYING.GPLv2: OK (sha256: 231f7edcc7352d7734a96eef0b8030f77982678c516876fcb81e25b32d68564c) COPYING.GPLv3: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) COPYING.LGPLv2.1: OK (sha256: 6095e9ffa777dd22839f7801aa845b31c9ed07f3d6bf8a26dc5d2dec8ccc0ef3) >>> host-lzo 2.10 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-mtd 2.1.6 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: dcc100d4161cc0b7177545ab6e47216f84857cda3843847c792a25289852dcaa) >>> host-zstd 1.5.5 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 7055266497633c9025b777c78eb7235af13922117480ed5c674677adc381c9d8) COPYING: OK (sha256: f9c375a1be4a41f7b70301dd83c91cb89e41567478859b77eef375a52d782505) WARNING: the Buildroot source code has not been saved WARNING: firmware-utils-86739f2b3ae9502368b89ef37fa6f31c42aad6f4: cannot save license (FIRMWARE_UTILS_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: whetstone-1.2: cannot save license (WHETSTONE_LICENSE_FILES not defined) Legal info produced in /home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/output-1/legal-info make: Leaving directory '/home/thomas/autobuild/instance-2/buildroot'